Unit 6  Hard work for a better life
Chapter 1(P38)
Read a poem
The four seasons
The sun starts shining.                Plants start growing.                Flowers start opening.
Birds start singing.                      And making their nests.          Spring is here.
The hot sun’s shining                  We start having fun                  We start swimming.
We start eating ice cream.          The holidays are coming.        Summer is here.
The wind start blowing.              Kites start flying.                      Leaves atart falling.
We start having barbecues.          The holidays are ending.        Autumn is here.
The snow starts falling.                Animals start sleeping.            Dark days are coming.
The temperature’s dropping.      We start shivering.                    Winter is here.
poem                  n.          诗                      end                      v.          结束
temprature          n.            气温                    drop                    v.            降低
shiver                  v.           发抖
I. Look and spell.(看图片,写单词完成句子.)
1. Animals start                      in winter.
2. The man is                      in the cold winter.
3. The bird is making its                      in the tree.
4. Leaves start                      from trees in autumn.
5. Students enjoy having                      in the countryside in autumn.
II. Choose the best answer.(选择最恰当的答案。)
6. In Australia, people celebrate Christmas in                      .
A.  spring
B. autumn
C.  summer
D. winter
7. Does your mother go                      every Sunday?
A.  to shop
B. shop
C.  to shopping
D. shopping
8. Students start                      aloud when class is over.
A. talks
B. talk
C. talking
D.  are talking
9. My friend has                      pocket money.
A.  many
B.  a lot
C.  very much
D. a lot of
10. The holidays                      soon. We are busy preparing for the exams now.
A.  is coming
B.  comes
C.  come
D. are coming
11. The temperature is                       and the leaves are                      .
A.  dropping…dropping
B. falling…dropping
C.  dropping…falling
D. falling…falling
Chapter 2 (P39)
Mr. Hu : Look at the blackboard. What does spring make you think of?
Alice    : Spring makes me think od rain. It’s awful to walk in wet and dirty streets.
Kitty    : Spring makes me think of butterflies. It’s interesting to see them flying around the flowers.
Peter    : Spring makes me think of outings. It’s nice to have picnics in the park.
blackboard          n.            黑板                      awful                n.            糟糕的;极讨厌的
I. Choose the best answer.(选择最恰当的答案.)
1. The new cap makes you                      beautiful.
A.  to look
B. look
C.  looking
D. looks
2. People usually don't go out                       rainy days.
A.  on
B.  in
C.  of
D.  to
3. It is not easy                      .
A. to speak good English                                    B. to speak well English
C. speak English well                                        D. speak good English
4. There are twenty girls in                      class. What about                      ?
A.  our, you                  B. mine, yours              C. my, your                    D. our, yours
5. Summer is full of fun. The weather starts getting                      .
A.  warm
B.  cool
C.  cold
D.  hot
6. Leaves start                      from trees in autumn.
A.  drop                        B. fall                            C. falling                        D.  dropping
7. Summer makes me                       the beautiful beaches.
A. think over                B. thinking over            C. think of                      D. thinking of
8. It is interesting to see children                      kites in the countryside in autumn.
A.fly                            B. flies                          C. flew                          D. flying
II. Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。)
9. The teacher tells us that we are going to have an                      (out) to the Century Park tomorrow.
10. Many people think it's                      (interest) to exchange presents at Christmas.
11. Can you see there are quite a few                      (butterfly) flying in the flowers`
12. Don't you think that we had a                      (wonder) holiday?
