We throw away many things every day, though some of them can get a new life after a simple repair. The trouble is, lots of people have forgotten that tliey can repair things themselves or they no longer know how. It's a skill quickly lost.
Repair Cafds change all that! They are free meeting places about repairing things together. In the cafe, there are tools and materials to help visitors repair anything, on clothes, furniturc. bikes, toys and so on. Volunteers are there to give them a hand. If they have notliing to repair, tliey can enjoy a cup of tea or coffee. Or tliey can help with someone else's repair job. They can also get ideas at the reading table by reading books on repairs and DIY.
Matt Brewer is the director (负责人)of a Repair CafO. Also, he is a teacher at a high school. In his eyes, being a teacher not only means teaching students to get high scores in exams, but also means passing some important life skills on to them. Some of his students study many different skills and try to make broken things work again by themselves in his Repair Cafe. Zander and Chase are two of them.
Recently. Zander and Chase helped an old lady repair a telephone The phone was so old that the two had never known it. but that didn't stop the repair team. Brewer taught them to use the tools and then fixed the telephone. When the old lady told them the phone was nice to use, they were both happy. "It's fiin to leani how to repair tilings,H Zander said.
"That's die point of the Repair Cafe/ Brewer said. "These kids are learning valuable life skills〞
Repair CafCs
Social problem
wehaveafewfunthingsinspring怎么读People throw thines awav instead of (1)    them.
About Repair CafCs
Thev are meeting places and thev cost(2)   
People can repaid3)    that has something wrons
There arc tools and materials to use and (4)    to help
(5 )    at Repair Caf6s
Repair things;
Have a drink;
Help others with repairs;
Do some(6)    on repairs and DIY
Matt BrewerVs Repair Cafe
It's a place to teach students some important skills that tliey can use in their(7)   
It's a place to make somethuig(8)    work again.
Zander and Chase repaired an old phone with the help of their (9)
Thev were full of (10)    when thev knew the phone could work.
They said it was fun to learn to repair.
Stephen and Ashlie are visiting the seaside town of Blackpool and having a go on some of the rides (过山车)at the Pleasure Beach theme park.
Stephen: This may look like Paris, but wc'rc in Blackpool, in the north of England—about an hour's drive from Manchester. And as you can see, it's a seaside town and became famous more than a hundred years ago. People always like coming here for their holidays. They like the rides in the park, too. In fact, I often came here when I was a kid.
Ashlie: Yes, thafs right. I know the place we 11. too. I liked to come to Blackpool to enjoy the beach and the sunshine I always had great fun.
Stephen: So did I. And I love the theme park and all the rides Come on Ashlie, this is going to be great!
(They are in front of a ride.)
Stephen: Come on Ashlie, shall we have a go?
Ashlie: No way!
Stephen: Oh Ashlie, don't be such a chicken.
Ashlie: No way. You can have a go on that if you want, but there is no way Fm going on it.
Stephen: I'll wave to you when I go past. See you later!
(Stephen meets Ashlie after he takes the ride)
Ashlie: Are you OK? You look a little white. Stephen.
Stephen: What? I've never felt better. That was amazing, Ashlie You should have come on it, too. Shame you were too afraid. What a pity (遗憾)!
Ashlie: You weren't afraid?
Stephen: Of course not. I loved it.
Ashlie: Come on, Stephen! Look at the photo I took. You looked pale (苍白的).
Stephen and Ashlie at the Pleasure Beach theme park
About the theme park
Location (位置)
It is in the north of England. It takes about an hour from Manchester by (1)
Places of interest
It's (2)    for its beach and sunshine.
The rides in the theme park are(3)    with visitors.
Stephen and Ashlic's memory (回 忆)
They loved visiting the park when they were young Thev enioved (4)    every time thev visited it.
They enjoved (5)    thinas when thev visited it.
Taking the ride
(6)    takinc it: Stephen invited Ashlie to have a so with him. but Ashlie didn't (7)    .
After taking it: Stephen looked a little white, but he felt it (8)    . He thought it a pity that Ashlie
was too (9)    to take it.
Ashlie showed a (10)    of Stephen, in which Stephen looked pale
