    Dear Tommy,
    Hi! How are you doing? It's me, your old friend Jack from elementary school. I know it's been a few years since we last saw each other, but I really miss hanging out and having fun like we used to. That's why I'm writing this letter to invite you to come visit me this summer!
    You probably don't remember, but my family and I actually moved to a new city a couple of years ago. It's a really cool place called Oakville, and I think you'd love it here. There are so many awesome things to do and see!
    First of all, we live right next to this huge park with a ginormous playground. It has crazy tall slides, swing sets that go way up high, and even a zipline! One time, I went down the zipli
ne and flew so fast that I thought I was going to take off like a rocket ship. You'd get such a kick out of that playground, Tommy. We could spend hours running around and playing there.
    But that's not even the best part about Oakville. You see, we're also just a short drive away from the beach! Yeah, an actual beach with real sand, ocean water, and everything. My dad takes me there all the time during the summer to swim, build sandcastles, and look for cool shells and rocks. Sometimes, we even have picnics and roast marshmallows on the fire pits they have set up. It's so much fun!
    Oh, and get this - there's also this really neat science museum right in the middle of town. They have all sorts of crazy exhibits about space, dinosaurs, the human body, and more. One time, I even got to experience what it feels like during an earthquake in their earthquake simulator room. It was wild! I bet you'd love checking that place out.
    Basically, Oakville is like a summer paradise for a couple of kids like us. We'd have a blast running around, exploring all the parks and attractions, and just being kids without a c
are in the world. Doesn't that sound amazing?
    So, here's what I'm thinking. How about you come stay with us for a few weeks this summer? My parents already said it's totally cool if you want to visit. We have a spare bedroom with bunk beds and everything. You can be my houseguest and we can do all the fun summer stuff together, just like old times!
    And get this - my birthday is at the end of July, so if you're here for that, we can have an epic birthday party bash. I'm talking cake, ice cream, games, the whole nine yards. We'll invite some of my friends from school over too so you can meet them. It'll be a rager!
    Anyway, I really hope you can make it out here, Tommy. I miss my best bud like crazy. Shoot me a message back or tell your parents to call mine, and we can figure out all the deets. This is gonna be the best summer ever if you say yes!
    Your friend,
    Dear Jenny,
    Hey, it's me, your bestest friend Billy! How's it going? I'm writing you this super important letter to invite you to the BIGGEST, MOST AWESOME event of the whole year - my 10th birthday party! I'm turning double digits this year which is really exciting. My mom says I'm becoming a "young man" now, whatever that means. I still feel like the same old Billy to me!
    Anyway, my party is going to be THE party to go to this summer. We're having it at the brand new Amazing Athletics trampoline park that just opened up. Have you been there yet? It's insanely fun! They have this whole section that's just wall-to-wall trampolines for bouncing around. My dad says it's like a giant bouncy castle except way better because you can really get some air and do tricks and flips if you're brave enough.
    There's also trampoline dodgeball courts which could be really cool if we can get a bunch of people to play. I'm picturing an epic multi-team battle with balls flying everywhere!
Maybe we can set up a tournament bracket or something. Last one standing gets first dibs on cake and ice cream.
    Speaking of cake and ice cream, my mom is making my favorite - a triple chocolate fudge cake! She's been taking baking classes so I bet it's going to be delicious. For the ice cream, we're having an ice cream sundae bar set up with every single topping you can imagine. Sprinkles, chocolate syrup, caramel, gummy bears, Oreos, you name it! We can make the most insane, sugar-loaded ice cream creations. Maybe we'll get a little hyper from all HAHA!
    After we've had our fill of cake, ice cream, and bouncing around like crazy people, we're going to have a few party games set up too. Mom is bringing in a dunk tank which could be really fun if we can get someone brave enough to sit in it. I nominate Jimmy from down the street! He's always bragging about how awesome he is at everything so it would be hilarious to dunk him over and over again. What do you think?
