If you’ve ever been bitten by a mosquito, you know how frustrating their bites can be. ____1____ , creating an itch (痒) that once you start scratching only seems to get worse. Why does a mosquito bite itch and what can we do?
Why does a mosquito bite itch?
When a mosquito bites you, it pierces the skin using a special mouthpart to suck up blood and injects saliva (唾液) into your skin. Mosquitoes’ saliva has lots of proteins in it, some of which our body recognizes as foreign, and our immune cells spring into action to try to fight them. ____2____ . It’s actually the body’s response to the foreign mosquito protein it is trying to fight. That’s why some people may only have a mild reaction to bites, while others, more sensitive to the foreign protein, react with large areas of swelling that are more painful.
What helps resist the urge to scratch?
“Don’t scratch” is the advice that most experts and health professionals give. As hard and sometimes unrealistic as it can sound, scratching inflames (发炎) the skin, and the inflammation makes the skin itch more. “ ____3____ ,” warned Daniel Markowski, technical adviser for the American Mosquito Control Association, adding that in extreme cases, people can scar themselves.
Instead, there are dozens of creams and sprays that promise itch relief as well as home remedy (疗法). Choose what’s right for you can often come down to trial and error. In general, all of the various anti-itch creams are very similar. There is no scientific evidence these remedies work, and they can come with their own precautions or side effects. ____4____ .
Some people can have serious allergic reactions to mosquitoes, although in practice it is ra
re, Vosshall said. If you experience severe symptoms such as breathing trouble, you should seek medical attention immediately.
A.When to seek medical attention?
B.What to do with a mosquito bite?
C.It’s not the bite that causes the itch
D.The more you scratch, the more they itch
E.The little red bumps swell up almost immediately
F.Scratching can cause secondary infections and prolong the irritation
G.In fact, the best remedy to fight the itch is to prevent a bite in the first place
1.E    2.C    3.F    4.G    5.A
1.根据下文“creating an itch (痒) that once you start scratching only seems to get worse(产生一种瘙痒感,一旦你开始抓挠,似乎只会变得更严重)”可知,下文是空格处的结果状语。E项“The little red bumps swell up almost immediately.(这些小红肿几乎立即膨胀起来)”承接上文说明蚊子叮咬后的反应,又可以导致下文“抓挠只会变得更严重”的结果,符合文意。故选E。
2.根据本段小标题“Why does a mosquito bite itch?(为什么蚊子叮咬会痒?)”可知,本段主要讲述为什么蚊子叮咬会痒。根据下文“It’s actually the body’s response to the foreign mosquito protein it is trying to fight.(实际上,这是身体对它试图对抗的外来蚊子蛋白质的反应)”中的“actually”推知,空处陈述人们大都认为叮咬会痒的原因——蚊子的叮咬。空格C项“It’s not the bite that causes the itch.(瘙痒不是由咬引起的)”,符合文意。故选C。
3.根据下文“adding that in extreme cases, people can scar themselves.(他补充道,在极端情况下,人们会给自己留下疤痕)”可知,上文应阐述瘙痒产生的一般后果。F项“Scratching can cause secondary infections and prolong the irritation.(搔痒可能会导致继发感染并延长刺激时间)”,符合文意。故选F。
4.根据上文“There is no scientific evidence these remedies work, and they can come with their own precautions or side effects.(没有科学证据表明这些药物有效,它们可以有自己的预防措施或副作用)”可知,没有科学证据表明止痒霜有效,且可能有副作用。由此推知,下文应提及对抗瘙痒的有效方法。G项“In fact, the best remedy to fight the itch is to prevent a bite in the first place(事实上,对抗瘙痒的最好方法是首先防止被咬)”,符合文意。故选G。
5.根据本文结构可知,空格处是本段的小标题。根据下文“If you experience severe symptoms such as breathing trouble, you should seek medical attention immediately.(如果出现呼吸困难等严重症状,应立即就医)”可知,本段主要围绕“就医”展开论述,且应是一个问句。A项“When to seek medical attention?(何时就诊?)”,符合文意。故选A。
1. itch(n.痒)
2. saliva(n.唾液)
3. Don’t scratch(不要挠)
4. precautions(n.预防措施)
5. seek(v.寻,寻求)
6. mosquito(n.蚊子)
7. pierces(v.刺穿)
8. proteins(n.蛋白质)
9. immune(adj.免疫的)
10. reaction(n.反应)
11. foreign(adj.外来的)
12. swelling(n.肿胀)
13. inflames(v.使…发炎)
14. creams(n.霜)
15. sprays(n.喷雾剂)
16. relief(n.减轻)
17. remedy(n.)
18. trial and error(不断试验)
19. anti-itch(抗痒) spring怎么读怎么读
20. scientific(adj.科学的)
21. evidence(n.证据)
22. precautions(n.预防措施)
23. side effects(副作用)
24. allergic reactions(过敏反应)
25. severe(adj.严重的)
26. medical attention(医疗注意)
27. breathing trouble(呼吸困难)
28. rare(adj.罕见的)
29. remedies(n.药物)
30. prevention(n.预防)
31. first place(首先)
32. annoying(adj.烦人的)
33. red bumps(红肿)
34. sensitive(adj.敏感的)
35. prolong(v.延长)
36. secondary(adj.次要的)
37. infections(n.感染)
38. hard(adj.困难的)
39. unrealistic(adj.不切实际的)
40. scarring(n.疤痕)
41. spring into action
