One windy spring day. I observed young people having fun flying their kites. Multicolored creations of 1  shapes and sizes filled the sky like beautiful birds, moving and dancing. As the strong winds blew hard against the kites, a 2    kept them in check.
3  being blown away with the wind, the kites arose against it to 4  great heights. They shook and pulled, 5  upward. As the kites struggled and trembled 6  the string, they seemed to say,  "Let me go! Let me go! I want to be free!” They 7    beautifully even as they fought the 8   
of the string. Finally, one of the kites succeeded in 9  , “Free at last,"  it seemed to say. "Free to fly with the wind. "  Yet 10  from the control simply put it at the mercy of a(n) 11  breeze. It flew ungracefully to the ground and 12  in a mass of weeds and the string against a dead bush. Free at last”, free to lie powerless in the dirt and to be 13  helplessly along the ground.
How much we sometimes 14  the kites! Life gives us restraint (约束)and rules to follow from which we can grow and gain 15  . In fact, they are 16    for keeping our balance. Some of us fight against the rules so hard that we never try to reach the 17  we might have obtained. We keep part of the rules and 18  rise high enough to get our tails off the ground.
Let us each rise to the great heights and 19  that some of the restraints that we may be 20    about are actually the steady force that helps us rise and achieve.
1, A. complete
B. average
C. various
D. universal
2. A. child
B. stick
C. flag
D. string
3. A. Apart from
B. In spite of
C. Due to
D. Instead of
4. A. increase
B. achieve
C. recall
D. imagine
5. A. facing
B. blowing
C. resting
D. wandering
6. A. on
B. against
C. with
D. for
7 A. rocketed
B. dived
C. twisted
D. faded
8. A application
B. dependence
C. restriction
D. attack
9. A. falling apart
B. breaking loose
C. backing off
D. catching up
10 A. protection
B. freedom
C. prevention
D. benefits
11. A. unsympathetic
B. unexpected
C. warm
D. gentle
12. A. sought
B. grew
C. landed
D. hid
13. A- Ben
B. blown
C. abandoned
D. betrayed
14 A. appreciate
B. acknowledge
C resemble
D. respect
15. A. Power
B, freedom
C. laughter
D. love
16. A. unless
B. grateful
C. adequate
D. necessary
17 A. weights
B. heights
C. lengths
D. widths
18. A. ever
B. already
C always
D. never
19 A. wonder
B. realize
C. discuss
D. wish
20. A. annoyed
B. concerned
C. cautious
D. particular
It all started three years ago, when Twitter user @peco1175,s son. finished elementary school. He decided to 1  a “study" on weed-killing solutions that didn't 2 the use of herbicides (除草剂).He was 3  by his personal desire to clean his home backyard of weeds, because that summer they had grown so tall that he 4  couldn't play there anymore. He then started coming up with_5  to fight against the weeds, write them down, 6  them to his backyard and record the conclusion. For the past three years, his ideas have all 7  , but 2020 is off to a surprisingly good start.
@peco1175 recently turned to social media to report her son's recent 8    After years of failures in his 9  to stop weeds from invading the backyard, he seems to have finally found a solution — running in the backyard every day. He started in January and has been doing it daily for the past three months. So far, no weeds have 10  from the ground.
The idea behind the boy's 11  strategy is that if the ground is hard enough, the weeds can't 12  . So ever since the start of January he has been going out into the backyard every day
and running for about 10 minutes to 13 the soil. So far, it seems to be 14 , as weeds are yet to appear on the half of the backyard that he , has been running on, whereas they have already covered the other half ”From January 5th to March 1st, no matter if it rained or if it was windy, he 15  to nm.”@peco1175 wrote on Twitter.
1. A. conduct    .            B. produce            C. confirm          D. release
2. A. present                  B. support            C. involve        D. attain
3. A. surprised            B. disappointed        C. inspired        D. defeated
4. A. hardly                B. actually            C. suddenly          D. merely
5. A. reasons                B. answers            C. arguments          D. strategies
6. A. insert                B. devote                C. apply              D. move
7. A. realized                B.  absorbed        C. canceled    spring怎么读怎么读      D. failed.
8. A. success                B. behavior            C. condition          D. process
9. A. ability                B , attempt            C. power              D. nature
10. A. held back            B. got away            C. given out          D. come up
11. A. safest                B. latest                C. smartest          D. earliest
12.A. look through            B. cover up            C. break through      D. check out
13. A. expose                B. observe            C. recycle          D. harden
14. A. effective            B. interesting            C. serious          D. stable
15. A. preferred            B. continued            C. rejected          D. determined
I am currently cycling trails(路线)around Australia,and am about to cycle the Nullarbor to raise funds for MS(多发性硬化症).I have MS myself and the journey 1 takes time and energy,but cycling is a 2 activity for me.However,while travelling,I was 3 to find that I had my bike stolen by a not-so-kind person.
The human kindness I have been shown since this happened has been 4 short of amazing.A warm-hearted lady donated me a mountain bike in case I had to 5 my scheduled plan.Due to MS,I am very short,which makes it almost 6 to find a bike in my size.Even so,my hometown 7 me up,managing to help buy an extra small sized bike,which I eventually found was just my 8
