Unit 5 On the beach
    play  collect  listen  fly  ride 
It’s a sunny day. There are many people on the beach. Three girls ________ to music. A boy_______ shells. Some children _______ football. Two women _________ horses. Two girls ________ a kite.  How happy they are!
1. A:What’s the weather like in Wuhan?
  B: It’s __________ (晴朗的) today.
2. A: What’s the weather like in Hubei?
  B: It’s __________(多云的)today.
3. A: What’s the weather like in Hunai?
4. They A: What’s the weather like in Beijing?
  B: It’s __________(下雨)today.
1.to  Is  listening  Howard  music
2.you  now  Where  are
3.is  today  It  fine
4.good  We  having  are  a  time
Emma: Let’s go snorkelling.
Mike: OK,I’ll get my mask and flippers.Look,Emma,a seal.
Emma:Wow!It’s a baby seal.
Mike:Look, the seal is hurt.
Emma:Let’s ask my father to help the seal.
Emma’s father:Get into the boat. We’ll go and get the seal.
Mike:Let’s call Ken Jones. He knows a lot about seals. He can help.
Ken Jones: The seal is badly hurt. I’ll take it with me.
Emma,Mike: Hello,Mr. Jones.How is the seal?
Ken Jones: It’s fine again.
(    )1.What are Emma and Mike doing on the beach?
A. They are snorkelling    B. They are fishing       
C.They are looking for seals
(    )2.What do they see in the sea?
A A shark    B A baby seal    C A big fish
(    )3.Who takes the baby seal back?
A Emma’s mother    B  Emma’s father      C Mike’s father
(    )4.Who heals the baby seal?
A Emma’s father      B Mike      C Ken Jones
Unit 2 My favourite season
Part A 第二课时
Mr Jones:Which season do you like best?
Oliver:Summer.I can go swimming every day!
它是名词,意思是“春天”。它可以构成短语:in spring 在春天。
如:I like spring best.我最喜欢春天。
它是名词,意思是“夏天”。它可以构成短语:in summer 在夏天,this summer 今年夏天。
如:It's very hot this summer.今年夏天很炎热。
它是名词,意思是“秋天”。它的近义词为fall,它可以构成短语:in autumn 在秋天。
如:It's cool in autumn.秋天天气凉爽。
4winter 的用法
它是名词,意思是“冬天”。它可以构成短语:in winter 在冬天。
如:We make snowmen in winter.在冬天我们堆雪人。
01  基础过关
Miss Li:Which ________(季节) do you like best?
