UNIT 7 Enjoy Your Hobby Lesson 49:Hobbies Are Fun!]
[0:00.661]UNIT 7 第七单元
[0:02.678]Enjoy Your Hobby 享受你的爱好
[0:04.659]Lesson 49: 第49课:
[0:06.639]Hobbies Are Fun! 爱好很有趣!
[0:08.803]THINK ABOUT IT!
[0:10.160]·What's a hobby?
[0:12.434]What hobbies do you have?
[0:15.442]·Look at the pictures. Look at the pictures.
[0:17.753]Can you guess what Danny's hobby is?
[0:21.494]Guess Danny's Hobby 猜一猜丹尼的爱好
[0:23.915]Danny has a hobby. 丹尼有一个爱好。
[0:26.152]Here's Danny now. 这就是丹尼。
[0:27.839]He's buying things for his hobby. 他正在为他的爱好而买东西。
[0:30.957]Hello. I'd like to buy a tree, please. 你好。我想买一棵树。
[0:34.735]A tree? I'm sorry, but we don't sell trees here. 一棵树?对不起,我们这儿不卖树。
springshow是什么意思中文翻译[0:38.806]This is a photo shop! 这是一家照片店!
[0:40.860]Oh! That's good! 噢!那太好了!
[0:42.657]I need to put photos on a tree. 我要把照片挂在树上。
[0:45.665]Do you have something I can use? 你有我能用的东西吗?
[0:48.892]Well, we have these little photo frames. 哦,我们有些小相框。
[0:51.753]People usually put them on walls, 人们通常把它们挂在墙上,
[0:54.284]but I guess you could put them on a tree. 但是我想你可以把它们挂在树上。
[0:56.998]Great! How do I put the photos inside? 太棒了!我怎样把照片放在里边?
[1:01.143]The instructions are on the box. 说明在盒子上。
[1:03.600]There are five frames in each box. 每个盒子里有五个相框。
[1:06.278]Let me have five boxes, please. 我要五盒。
[1:09.175]I need some film, too. 我还要一些胶卷。
[1:11.889]How much do you want? 你想要多少?
[1:13.577]I'll take two rolls of film, please. 我要买两卷胶卷。
[1:18.602]WHAT'S YOUR HOBBY?
[1:20.546]A hobby is something you enjoy doing.
[1:24.397]A hobby is not a job or a school subject.
[1:28.772]It's not something you need to do.
[1:31.487]It's just something you like to do.
[1:34.201]It's a great joy!
[1:36.511]·Do you have a hobby?
[1:38.932]·Would you like to have a hobby?
[1:42.317]·Do you like to build model cars?
[1:46.095]·Do you make toys?
[1:48.186]If you already have a hobby, tell about it!
[1:52.220]Bring your hobby to school and show it to your classmates.
[1:57.135]Talk about why you enjoy it.
[1:59.996]If you don't have a hobby, what hobby would you like to have?
UNIT 7 Enjoy Your Hobby Lesson 50:Danny's Hobby]
[0:00.854]UNIT 7 第七单元
[0:02.727]Enjoy Your Hobby 享受你的爱好
[0:04.737]Lesson 50: 第50课:
[0:06.748]Danny's Hobby 丹尼的爱好
[0:09.171]THINK ABOUT IT!
[0:11.127]·How many people are there in your family?
[0:15.038]What hobbies do they have?
[0:17.469]·What does Danny learn about his great great grandpa?
[0:21.986]Dear Grandma, 亲爱的奶奶:
[0:23.555]Thank you very much for your letter about Great Great Grandpa Rex. 非常感谢您关于好好爷爷雷克斯的信。
[0:28.430]I like collecting facts about my family. 我喜欢收集关于我们家族的事。
[0:31.377]It's a great hobby! 它是个伟大的爱好!
[0:33.084]It's fun and it makes me feel proud. 它很有趣,它让我感到骄傲。
[0:36.720]I like your name for great great grandpa Rex: Grandpa Giant! 我喜欢您给好好爷爷雷克斯起的名字:巨人爷爷!
[0:41.787]He was very tall, wasn't he? And very wide! 他非常高大,不是吗?也身体也很宽大!
[0:46.084]When he visited you, did he have a special chair to sit in? 当他拜访您时,他是不是坐在一个特殊的椅子上呢?
[0:50.876]You told me many interesting facts about him. 您告诉了我很多他的趣事。
[0:54.318]Now I know that he came from Sweden. 现在我知道他来自瑞典。
[0:57.348]He learned English in Canada. 他在加拿大学习英语。
[1:00.129]He built his own house. 他建造了自己的房子。
[1:01.920]He got his eggs from his own chickens. 他吃自己养的鸡下的蛋。
[1:04.949]He got his milk from his own cows. 他喝自己奶牛产的奶。
[1:07.896]I thought that was very interesting. 我想那非常有趣。
[1:11.228]Most people don't have cows and chickens anymore. 很多人都不再养奶牛和鸡了。
[1:14.395]They buy their milk and eggs in stores. 他们在商店买牛奶和鸡蛋。
[1:17.783]Can you help me some more? 您能再帮我了解更多吗?
[1:19.738]I am making a report for my classmates. 我要为全班同学做报告。
[1:22.850]I need to show them my hobby, 我想向他们展示我的爱好,
[1:24.999]so I would like a photo of Great Great Grandpa Rex. 所以我想要一张好好爷爷雷克斯的照片。
[1:28.606]Do you have one? 您有吗?
[1:30.452]Let's trade photos! 我们来交换照片吧!
[1:32.269]Here's a photo of me from school. 这是一张我在学校的照片。
[1:35.023]You keep this photo and send me a photo of Great Great Grandpa Rex. 您收着这张照片,送我一张好好爷爷雷克斯的照片。
[1:40.724]Will that be okay? 怎么样?
[1:42.955]I'll write again soon. 我会尽快再给您写信的。
[1:44.965]Love, 爱您的,
[1:46.067]Danny 丹尼
[1:47.389]LET'S DO IT!
[1:49.435]Interview a partner about his or her family members.
[1:53.924]Ask about their lives, jobs, hobbies or anything else you want to know.
[2:00.727]Write a report and present it to your class.
UNIT 7 Enjoy Your Hobby Lesson 51:Different Hobbies]
[0:00.930]UNIT 7 第七单元
[0:02.752]Enjoy Your Hobby 享受你的爱好
[0:04.834]Lesson 51: 第51课:
[0:07.362]Different Hobbies 不同的爱好
[0:09.221]My hobby is gardening. 我的爱好是园艺。
[0:11.451]I'm going to bring some vegetables I have grown to school. 我打算带一些我自己种的蔬菜到学校。
[0:15.987]I'm going to bring my stamp collection. 我打算带我的集邮册。
[0:18.664]Did you know that Li Ming collects stamps, too? 你知道李明也在集邮吗?
[0:22.010]Really? The next time I send Li Ming an e-mail, I'm going to put a stamp on it! 真
[0:28.627]You don't need stamps for e-mail, Danny! 丹尼,不需要贴邮票!
[0:32.531]Oh, yes! I forgot. 哦,是的!我忘了。
[0:35.431]What's your hobby, Danny? 丹尼,你的爱好是什么?
[0:37.178]Is it about dinosaurs? 是和恐龙有关吗?
[0:39.409]No, it's not about dinosaurs. 不,不是关于恐龙的。
[0:42.755]I don't understand. 我不明白。
[0:44.391]Yesterday, I saw you putting pictures of dinosaurs in little frames. 昨天,我看见你正在往小相框中放恐龙的照片。
[0:49.373]No, I wasn't! I was putting pictures of my family in the frames! 不,不是的!我正在往相框中放家人的照片!
[0:54.912]Your family is dinosaurs, Danny. 丹尼,你的家人也是恐龙啊!
[0:58.109]Oh, yes! I forgot! 哦,是的!我忘了!
[1:01.084]Gardening with Mary 和玛丽一起管理花园
[1:03.277]Show: 节目:
[1:04.095]Gardening with Mary 《和玛丽一起管理花园》
[1:06.140]Time: 时间:
[1:07.144]Saturdays, 2:00 PM 周六 下午2点
[1:09.895]TV channel: 电视频道:
[1:11.382]ABS (channel 53) ABS(53频道)
[1:14.616]Do you like to garden? 你喜欢做园艺吗?
[1:16.550]Don't miss Gardening with Mary on Saturday afternoons. 不要错过周六下午的《和玛丽一起管理花园》。
[1:20.602]The show starts on March 21-the first day of spring! 该节目在
