麻花 chinese doughnut
麻辣白肉 meat with cayenne pepper
麻辣膀丝 sliced pork with cayenne pepper
麻辣干烧牛肉 dry beef with cayenne pepper
麻辣鸡 chicken with cayenne pepper
麻辣鸡丁 chicken cubes with cayenne pepper
麻辣牛肉 saute beef with cayenne pepper
麻辣田鸡 fried frogs with cayenne pepper
麻婆豆腐 bean curd with mince and chili oil(ma po′s bean curd)
麻婆粉丝 vermicelli with pork in hot sauce
麻婆虾仁 shrimp with chilli
麻雀鱼 sparrow fish
马粒糕 sugary sponge cake
马森哥鸡 chicken marengo
马蔺肉 “chinese small iris”sliced
马乃士鱼 fish mayonnaise
马乃士大虾 king prawn mayonnaise
马赛海龙王汤 bouillabaisse marseilles
蚂蚁上树 ants climbing trees(vermicelli with spicy minced pork)
麦粉布丁 hasty pudding
麦片粥 oatmeal porridge
麦粥 porridge
馒头 steamed bread
芒果布丁 mango pudding
玫瑰荸饼 rose and water chestnut cake
玫瑰豉油鸽 braised pigeon with rose and black bean sauce
玫瑰芝麻堆 fried rose sesame balls
梅菜扣肉 pork with preserved vegetable
梅菜排骨 sparerib with preserved vegetable
梅子蒸骨 steamed sparerib with plum sauce
梅子蒸肉排 steamed pork rib in plum sauce
美国式焗石斑 baked grouper,american style
美味布丁 “delicate taste”pudding
美味油鸡 “delicate taste chicken
门丁李桃 “chinese door knob”plum and peach cake
焖鸡肝 braised chicken live
chinese rice pudding是什么意思
焖鸡腿 braised chicken legs
焖牛肉 braised beef
焖牛肉配菜 braised beef with vegetable
焖沙鸡 braised sandgrouse
焖咸肉山猫 braised leopard cat with sauced pork
焖小牛胸口 braised veal breast
焖羊肉配菜 braised mutton with vegetables
焖油鸡配菜 braised capon with vegetables
焖猪肉配菜 braised pork with vegetables
蒙古牛肉片 mongolian beef with bamboo shoots
蒙古羊肉 mongolian lamb with bamboo shoots
米饭 rice
米饭烩鸡鸭 steamed chicken and duck with rice
米饭蒸肉 steamed pork with rice
米熏仔鸡 smoked spring chicken
蜜桃沙拉 peach salad
蜜桃窝烧鸭 shanghai duck with peach
蜜汁叉烧 barbecued pork in honey
蜜汁葫芦 barbecued gourd in honey
蜜汁火腿 barbecued ham in honey
蜜汁金枣 date in honey
蜜汁素樱桃肉 cherries in honey
棉花鱼肚 “cotton”fish maw
免治鸡饭 minced chicken with rice
免治牛肉饭 minced beef with rice
面包 bread
面包粉炸虾 fried king prawn in bread crumbs
面包粉炸鱼 fried fillet of fish in bread crumbs
面包干 rusk
面包卷 rolls
面包皮 bread crust
面包托 canape(france)
面包屑 bread crumbs
面包鸭肝 duck liver and fried bread
面点 noodles
面蝶金钱鸡 chicken liver,pork and ham on fried bread
面花 crispy noodles
面球汤 dumpling soup
面丝清汤 clear noodle soup
面条烩牛肉 stewed beef with noodles
面托黄鱼 croaker fillet on fried bread
面托蛎黄 oyster on fried bread
面托虾 shrimp in bread crumbs
鳘肚烩鸡丝 cod-maw soup with sliced chicken
鳘肚烩鲍丝 cod-maw soup with sliced abalone
明炉叉烧 barbecued pork guangdong style
明炉烧鹅 barbecued goose guangdong style
明扬牛 shanghai style beef
明月红松鸡 red grouse(cold dish arranged like moonlight scene)
摩罗鸡饭 chicken pilau
蘑菇炒鸡蛋 mushroom omelette
蘑菇烩鸭 stewed duck with mushroom
蘑菇鸡块沙拉 mushroom and chicken salad
蘑菇鸡片 mushroom and chicken slices
蘑菇扒鹑蛋 stewed quail eggs and mushroom
母油船鸭 deep-fried duck
母子相会 mother and son meet(stewed chicken and spring chicken)
牡蛎汤 oyster soup
木犀肉 saute pork with egg and fungus
木犀肉丝 shredded pork with egg and fungus
木犀汤 egg soup with meat shreds and fungus
目鱼炖鸡 stewed chicken with plaice
牧人批 shepherd′s pie
