    Eight Treasure Rice Pudding is a classic Chinese dessert that is made with glutinous rice, eight different kinds of dried fruit and nuts, and sugar. It is a popular dish for special occasions, such as the Chinese New Year, and is often served as a symbol of prosperity and good luck.
    To make Eight Treasure Rice Pudding, the glutinous rice is first soaked in water for several hours, then cooked until it is soft and sticky. The dried fruit and nuts are then added to the rice, along with sugar and water, and the mixture is cooked until it is thick and syrupy. The pudding is then poured into a mold and chilled until it is set.
    Eight Treasure Rice Pudding is a delicious and festive dessert that is sure to impress your guests. It is a relatively easy dish to make, and can be made ahead of time, making it a perfect choice for busy hosts.
chinese rice pudding是什么意思    八宝饭是一种经典的中式甜点,由糯米、八种不同的干果和坚果以及糖制成。这是一种流行的节日菜肴,例如中国新年,通常作为繁荣和好运的象征。
