英语单词spring是什么意思Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is a time for families to gather together and celebrate. It is a time to share joy and happiness with loved ones. 春节,又称为中国新年,是家人欢聚在一起庆祝的时刻。这是一个与所爱之人分享快乐和幸福的时刻。
One of the most important traditions during the Spring Festival is the family reunion dinner. This is a time when family members from near and far come together to enjoy a delicious meal and catch up with each other. 春节期间最重要的传统之一是家庭团聚饭。这是一个让远近亲人欢聚在一起享用美味佳肴并互相交流近况的时刻。
During the Spring Festival, families also engage in various activities together, such as visiting relatives and friends, giving and receiving red envelopes (hongbao), and watching traditional performances like lion dances and dragon dances. 在春节期间,家人们也会一起参与各种活动,比如拜访亲戚朋友,互赠收红包、观赏传统表演如舞狮舞龙等。
The atmosphere during the Spring Festival is always filled with excitement and joy. People de
corate their homes with red lanterns and couplets, symbolizing good luck and prosperity for the coming year. 春节期间的氛围总是洋溢着兴奋和喜悦。人们用红灯笼和对联来装饰他们的家,象征着来年的好运和繁荣。
For many Chinese people, the Spring Festival is a time to reconnect with their cultural roots and traditions. It is a time to honor ancestors, pay respects to elders, and pass down customs to the younger generations. 对许多中国人来说,春节是重新连接他们的文化根源和传统的时刻。这是一个尊敬祖先、尊重长辈并将传统传承给下一代的时刻。
Being able to share the Spring Festival with family is a truly special experience. It is a time to create lasting memories, strengthen bonds, and cherish the moments spent together. 能够与家人共度春节是一种特别的体验。这是一个创造永久记忆、加强家庭纽带以及珍惜共同度过的时刻。
