the first type of known vehicular brakes is ().
A. chariot brake
B. internal expanding-band brake
C. external contracting-band brake
D. locked wheel
参考答案:locked wheel
when the tire is on a dry asphalt surface, the maximum frictional force of the tire ( without sliding) is usually between () of the radial load.
A. 60%-70%
B. 60%-90%
C. 80%-90%
D. 50%-60%
the tire loads include three load groups: side load, radial load and ().
A. tractive load
汽车spring是什么意思B. internal load
C. vertical load
D. traversal load
参考答案:tractive load
the () brake was adopted in a two-ton-plus automobile to safely stop from the 70m/h and 80m/h highway speeds of the time.
A. internal expanding-shoe
B. external expanding-band
C. disc
D. service
by the method of changing the gear ratio,the transmissions are divided into
