第三讲 4层面充实语料库——妙笔生花, 在一举
have a big smile on one's face    某人笑容满面
a belly laugh    捧腹大笑
be all smiles    一脸笑意
be delighted at    对……感到高兴
be full of joy    充满欢乐
in high spirits    精神高涨
over the moon    欣喜若狂
be wild with joy    欣喜若狂
beam with pleasure    喜不自胜
break into a smile    突然笑起来
brighten sb.'s heart    使某人心情愉快
burst into laughter    突然大笑起来
dance for/with joy    高兴地跳起舞来
light up    露出喜
flash a bright smile    绽放出灿烂的笑容
flash sb. a smile    向某人微微一笑
flush with excitement    激动得满脸通红
grin from ear to ear    笑得合不拢嘴
speak in a cheerful voice    高兴地说
in a good mood    心情很好
jump for joy    高兴地跳起来
laugh up one's sleeve    窃笑
laugh like a drain    放声大笑
laugh one's head off    大笑不止
roar with laughter    大笑起来
smile broadly    咧嘴一笑
laugh heartily    开怀大笑
smile sweetly/faintly    嫣然一笑/淡淡一笑
smile with relief    宽慰地笑
take delight in    以……为乐
to one's joy    令某人高兴的是
with a smile on one's lips    某人嘴角挂着微笑
in one spring是什么意思a yell of delight    欢呼
boil over    怒火中烧
be cross with sb.    生某人的气
be filled with anger    满腔怒火
be seized by anger    被愤怒所控制
blow one's top    暴跳如雷
explode with anger    大发雷霆
eyes burning with anger    满眼怒火
face twists in anger    脸因为生气而扭曲
feel furious    感到愤怒
flush with anger    脸气得通红
fly into a rage    勃然大怒
get irritated at    对……感到恼火
glare at sb.    怒视某人
hit the ceiling    勃然大怒
stamp one's feet in anger    气得跺脚
mask one's anger with a smile    用微笑来掩饰某人的愤怒
be shaking/trembling/speechless with rage
a feeling of fear    恐惧的感觉
a flood of fear wells up    一阵恐惧涌上心头
a tremble of fear    恐惧引发的颤抖
in fear of    担心……
choke with fear    因害怕而哽咽
face turns pale with fear    害怕得脸苍白
fear creeps over sb.    恐惧笼罩着某人
have one's heart in one's mouth    提心吊胆
in panic/terror    惊恐地
make one's blood run cold    使某人不寒而栗
make sb. flesh creep    使某人毛骨悚然
make sb.'s hair stand on end    使某人毛骨悚然
be scared out of one's wits    吓得魂不附体
scare sb. to death    吓死某人了
tremble from head to toe    全身颤抖
a strong sense of loss    强烈的失落感
be immersed in sorrow    沉浸在悲伤中
be overcome with grief    悲痛欲绝
be overwhelmed by grief    肝肠寸断
burst into tears    号啕大哭
choke back sobs    强忍住哭泣
close to tears    快要哭了
cry/weep one's eyes out    痛哭不止
fall into despair    陷入绝望
feel sad and empty    感到难过和空虚
fight back tears    强忍住泪水
with head drooping    低着头
hide one's face in one's hands    把头埋在手里
in low spirits    情绪低落
sob/weep one's heart out    悲切地哭泣
tears blur one's eyes    泪水模糊了视线
tears spring to one's eyes    某人眼里涌出了泪水
with tears in one's eyes    眼含热泪
wipe tears from one's face    擦去某人脸上的泪水
weep silently    默默地流泪
tears well up in one's eyes    某人热泪盈眶
tears roll down one's face    眼泪顺着某人的面颊流下来
at a loss    迷茫
be puzzled/confused    迷惑不解
eyebrows knot together    眉头紧锁
mind goes blank    脑子一片空白
scratch one's head    苦苦琢磨
with a blank expression on one's face
with a puzzled frown on one's face
be moved to tears    感动到流泪
be touched/moved deeply    深受感动
touch one's heart strings    触动某人的心弦
a warm feeling wells up in one's heart
in a state of shock    震惊不已
be in for a shock    大吃一惊
be numb with shock    惊呆了
be still in a state of shock    惊魂未定
in astonishment    惊讶
jump out of one's skin    大吃一惊
knock sb. sideways    使某人惊讶得目瞪口呆
to one's amazement/astonishment
be astonished with one's mouth wide open
be overweening    目中无人
burst with pride    充满了自豪感
have a swelled head    骄傲自大
hold one's head high    昂首挺胸
order people about by gestures    颐指气使
think highly of oneself    自命不凡
be on edge    紧张不安
be restless with anxiety    坐立不安
have butterflies in one's stomach
feel ill at ease    局促不安
gaze around    左顾右盼
have ants in one's pants    坐立不安
heart beat wildly    心跳很快
pace up and down    踱来踱去
palms get sweaty    手心出汗
sit on pins and needles    坐立不安
exchange a glance with sb.    与某人交换眼
eyes rest on sth.    目光落在
fix eyes on    盯着
keep an eye on    照看
catch sb.'s eye    引起某人注意
look sb. in the eyes    直视某人
lose sight of    忽略,看不见
see through    看透
stare at    凝视
take a glance (at)    匆匆地看一下
keep one's eyes fixed on    目不转睛地看着
look around    环视
don't let sb. out of your sight    不让某人离开你的视线
