Unit 1 Spring is here
本课选自北京版小学英语三年级下册第一单元Spring is here第一课时。通过谈论妇女节前夕为妈妈准备礼物,突出“人与自我——做人与做事”主题。
本课对话部分通过讨论送妈妈什么礼物,传达出对妈妈的敬爱和关心。以妇女节前夕为情境,Guoguo在教室为妈妈制作节日贺卡,Yangyang邀请她打乒乓球,之后,Yangyang表示他也要为妈妈制作贺卡。Listen, look and learn部分主要是学习请求对方做某事及其呼应语,“Can you play…with me?”“I’m sorry I can’t./Yes, let’s go.”并复习了4个动词短语play ping-pong, go ice-skating, play basketball和fly    a kite。以上短语在一二年级均已涉及,不作为本课的重点处理。Draw and write部分呈现了为妈妈设计节日贺卡的活动,涉及相关表达Happy Women’s Day,与本课介绍妇女节的内容进行整合。
本课对话呈现了由2幅图片组成的一个连续情景,对话共3个话轮。通过Yangyang邀请Guoguo打乒乓球,呈现交际用语“Can you…with me?”对话中运用现在进行时“I’m making a gift for my mum.”和一般现在时“I want to…”表达了为妈妈制作节日贺卡的意愿和心情。基于本课的语境,教师将Lesson2Listen, look and learn的部分内容调整到本课时进行学习,涉及句型“We’re going to…”和词汇make    a cake。
学生情况:in one spring是什么意思
本节课的授课对象是三(8)班学生,本班学生思维活跃,乐于表达,善于观察。学生在一、二年级学习过询问能力的表达Can you…?,对于请求对方做某事的表达Can you…with me?并不熟悉。学生已经学习过一些活动类词汇,如play ping-pong, go ice-skating, fly    a kite, play basketball,m ake    a card。但是,学生对现在进行时表将来be going to…结构初次接触,需要进一步感知和学习,相关节日和活动的语言表达能力有限。
2.运用Can you…with me?和be going to…等交际用语邀请同伴一起制作妇女节礼物;
Step    1 Warm up
1.Review the changes of spring
Q1: What’s spring like in your eyes?
Q2: What do you do in spring?
Step    2 Presentation
1.Talk aboutpicture    1 and predict the dialogue
Q1:Where are they?
Q2: What does Yangyang want to do? How do you know that? Q3: Can Yangyang play ping-pong by himself? What can he do? Q4: How does Yangyang invite Guoguo?
2.Watch the video and answer the questions
Q1: Can Guoguo play ping-pong with Yangyang?
Q2: How does Guoguo say to Yangyang?
3.Watch the video again and get to know Women’s Day
Q1: Why can’t Guoguo play ping-pong with Yangyang?
4. Get more information about Women’s Day
Q1: When is Women’s Day? How do you know that? Q2: What does Yangyang want to do for Women’s Day?
5. Listen and repeat
6. Talk in group: Report on Women’s Day
Q1: What do you know about Women’s Day from the text? Q2: Is it only for mum? Q3: What do you say?
Step    3 Production
1.Talk about the gifts for Women’s Day
Q: What can you do to make    a gift?
2.Invite friends to make    a gift in the class
Q: What are you going to do?
3.Pair work: Talk about other things to do for women Q: What else are you going to do for mum or teac
Step4 Homework
1. Make    a gift for mum or teacher with friends.
2. Check more information about other holidays in spring.
