Albert Einstein is one of the greatest scientists who ever lived. But he couldn’t find his way home when he went for a w 1 . He often forgot things. He had other things to think about. Science was m 2 important to him than any other thing in life. Albert Einstein was born in 1879 in Germany. When he was a child, he learned things very s 3 . Albert didn’t speak u 4 he was three years old. His parents were w 5 about him. When he was 12, Albert began r 6 math and science books. He was excited about the t 7 he learned in those books. He became more and more interested in math and physics(物理). He wanted to find the a 8 to the questions about the universe(宇宙). When he told people about his ideas, other scientists l 9 at him at first. But his ideas changed the world, scientists looked at the universe in a n 10 way. Because of him, we have such things as computers, televisions, and space travel today.
1.walk 2. more 3. slowly 4. until 5. ading 7. things 8. answers 9. laughed 10. new
in one spring是什么意思
    Peter works in a factory, and he usually comes home at half past six every evening. But he came home early last Friday, and he was very angry. He c  1  the door very hard, went into the sitting room and sat down.
    His wife was trying on a new blouse when he came into the room. She went to her husband and looked at him for a m  2  . Then she said to him kindly, "Why are you a  3  , Peter?"
    "Because bus tickets cost three pence last week, but now they cost two pence,"he said.
    "But that isn't b  4  , peter," his wife said. "It's good. G  5  by bus is cheaper now."
    "Yes, it is." Peter said, "but I always walk to work in the morning and I walk home in the afternoon. Last week I saved six pence every day, but now I save two pence less."
1.closed    2.minute    3.angry        4.bad        5. Going
    Tom is a seaman. He is always drunk (喝醉). One day Tom went to a strange city. He drank very much in a bar (酒吧间) that night. When he went out of the bar, he saw a man l  1  in the street. The man was quite drunk. When Tom came n  2  , the man pointed to the sky and asked, "Excuse me, is that the sun or the m  3  ?"
    Tom looked at the sky for a few m  4  and answered, "I'm afraid I can't help you. I am a s  5  here myself. "
1.lying      2.nearer    3.moon      4.minutes      5.stranger
  Every year many people from different countries come to America to l    (1)  English. Most of t    (2) are young. They learn the language a    (3) school. Why do they want to learn Eng
lish? Because English is a very u    (4) language.Many books,n      (5) and magazines are published in English.If they k    (6)English,they can read them a    (7)learn more things in t    (8) world. And why do they want to come to America to learn this language? They think if they are in that English-speaking c      (9) , they can learn good English q        (10).
(1) learn  (2) them  (3) at  (4) useful  (5) newspapers  (6) know    (7) and  (8) the  (9) country  (10) quickly
  Once there was an old Indian.He came to a farmer's house and asked for some d    (1). The farmer told him to come in and sit down to dinner.There were a German and Frenchman too.
    The farmer said,"Well,you are the l    (2) man to come.You shall serve the chicken."The I    (3) agreed and a whore chicken was brought in.He c    (4) off the head and gave it to the f    (5), and said "You are the head man here.You shall have head." He gave the neck to the f
armer's wife and said, "You are n    (6) of head so you shall have the neck." "Each of the farmer's daughters was given a w    (7)." "You will soon fly away from home and you each have a wing." He said to the Frenchman and the German, "You two p    _8) fellows have a long way to go to get h    (9)." and gave each of them a foot.
Then he said, "I am just a poor old Indian beggar. I'll eat what l    (10)."
  (1) dinner  (2) last  (3)Indian (4)cut  (5) farmer  (6) next  (7) wing  (8) poor  (9) home  (10) left
All a    (1) the world, people d    (2) tea.But tea doesn't mean the s    (3) thing to everyone. In d      (4) countries people have very different ideas a    (5) drinking tea.
    In China, for example, tea is a    (6) served when people get together. The C      (7) drank it at any t    (8) of the day at homes or in teahouses. They p    (9) their tea plain, with n      (10) else in it.
Tea is also i    (11) in Japan. The Japanese have a s    (12) way of serving tea called a tea ceremony.It is very o    (13) and full of meaning. Everything m      (14) be done in a special way in the ceremony.There is e    (15) a special room for it in Japanese homes.
