What People Do in My Hometown in Spring
Spring is finally here! After the long, cold winter, everyone in my hometown is so excited for the warm weather to arrive. Spring is definitely my favorite season of the year. There's so much fun stuff to do and the outdoors comes alive again after being dreary for months. Let me tell you all about the things people in my town get up to in spring!
myspring是什么意思 One of the first signs of spring around here is when people start working in their gardens again. All winter long, the gardens just look like boring patches of brown dirt or dead plants covered in snow. But when that first warm spring day comes along, you see folks out there tilling the soil, pulling weeds, and getting ready to plant their flowers, vegetables, and herbs. My dad spends hours digging in our little backyard garden, getting it prepared. Then we all go to the nursery together and pick out our seeds and starter plants for the year. I love that fresh earthy smell of the garden soil!
Speaking of nurseries, the big one in town gets super busy once spring rolls around. They have aisles and aisles of beautiful flowers like petunias, marigolds, azaleas, and more. There are also rows of trees, shrubs, and other landscaping plants like hostas and hydrangeas. My mom is a total plant nut so we make at least three or four trips there each spring to stock up on new flowers and bushes for our yard. The greenhouse gets so crowded with people carrying flats of flowers and loaded wagons of plants. Everyone wants to spruce up their yard as soon as possible!
Another popular spring activity in my town is youth sports. Once the grass on the parks and fields dries out enough, it's game on for soccer, baseball, softball, and lacrosse leagues. You see kids out on the fields at the park every evening, running drills and playing games. The bleachers are always packed with parents cheering their kids on. I play soccer myself and let me tell you, those first few practices in the spring are brutal after not running around much all winter! But it feels so good to be outdoors and active again after being cooped up all winter.
Hiking is another big spring activity around here once the temperatures warm up enough. We have some beautiful trails and nature areas in the woods and hills surrounding our town. You can really see a transformation as all the plants and trees start blooming and turning green again. One of my favorite hikes is to this pretty waterfall area where the creek runs through a little gorge. In early spring the water is rushing with all the melted snow and it's gorgeous. You also start seeing more animals out and about like squirrels, chipmunks, deer, and birds. I try to go at least once a week with my friends or family.
Of course, no spring is complete without theatro rain showers we get. I actually don't mind the rain too much because I know it helps water all the newly planted gardens and spring blooms. Plus, it makes everything smell so fresh and earthy. What I don't like is when we get heavy thunderstorms with crazy lightning and strong winds that knock branches off trees. One time we even had to take cover in our basement for a tornado warning! But overall, the spring rain isFrom March through May is just part of living around here.
When the rain clears, one of the coolest spring events in our town is the Outdoor Art Fair they hold downtown. It takes over the entire main street and side roads with booths of artists selling all kinds of paintings, sculptures, jewelry, pottery, photographs, and other handmade creations. It's always fun wandering around checking out all the beautiful artwork. My favorite sections are the ones with funky metal garden sculptures and wind chimes. There are also lots of street performers like musicians, mimes, and even a few fire breathers!
No description of spring in my hometown would be complete without mentioning the flowers. Oh my gosh, the amount of flowering trees and bushes is just insane! There are pink and white blossoms everywhere you look. The dogwoods are always stunning with their big white blooms. Same with the cherry and apple trees covered in white or pink petals. At the park there are these monster azalea bushes that explode in bright pinkSome oranges, and fuchsias. And of course, the super classic tulips lining the streets of the historic neighborhood – they make for such a pretty rainbow! I just love the pop of color everywhere after the drab winter.
Well, I could definitely go on and on about spring in my town, but I'll stop here. As you can probably tell, it's such a busy but exciting season with so much happening outdoors again. The warm weather brings everyone's spirits up and there's just a happy feeling in the air. I hope you get a chance to experience the rejuvenating power of spring wherever you live too! Let me know if you ever visit my town – I'll give you the full tour of all the sights and events when spring has arrived!