1.I usually go to school _____ seven. (    )
A.in    B.at    C./
2.In ______, it is cold. We make snowmen. (    )
A.spring    B.summer    C.winter
3.—________ you cold? (    )
—No, I’m not.
A.Do    B.Is    C.Are
4.Sam and Bobby don’t have ________ lessons ________ Sunday. (    )
A.any; on    B.some; in    C.some; on
5.—How many seasons are there in a year(年)? (    ) 
A.Twelve    B.Seven    C.Four
6.—I’m very _______. (    myspring是什么意思)
—Here’s a fan _______ you.
A.cold; for    B.hot; for    C.cold; to
7.She can ________ cakes. (    )
A.makes    B.making    C.make
8.—_______ you like a pie? (    )
—Yes, please.
A.Do    B.Would    C.do
9.—_______ I speak to Jim? (   )
—Yes, this is Jim _______.
A.Do; speaking    B.Am; speaking    C.May; speaking
10.—_______ glasses are these? (   )
—_______ my father's.
A.Whose; They're    B.Who's; They're    C.Whose; It's
11.—_______ subjects do you have this term? (   )
A.What    B.How much    C.How many
12._________ summer, he can _________.  (    )
A.In; swimming    B.At; swim    C.In; swim
13.—I can’t swim. (    )
—I can’t swim _______.
A.too    B.two    C.either
14.I ______ six robots and she ______ two robots. (   )
A.have; has    B.have; have    C.has; has
15.—Look, there ______ a pair of shoes under the sofa. (    )
—Oh, yes. Whose ______ they?
A.is; are    B.are; is    C.are; are
16.Oliver often _______ (have) dinner at home.
17.Ouch! My hands ________ (hurt).
18.I'm hot. I want _________ (eat) an ice cream.
19.He can __________ (play) basketball very well.
20.He has a _________ (swim) lesson every week.
21.What ______ (do) your sisters have?
22.It’s seven _____ (clock). Let _____ (we) go to school.
23.I do _____ (I) homework after school.
24.This is Su Hai _____ (speak). May I _____ (speak) to Nancy?
25.I can’t see ________ (some) birds in the tree.
26.Let’s go and _____ (make) a snowman.
27.Look at _____ (we) fruit salad.
28.There are ______ (four) seasons in a year.
29.Do you have ______ (a) art room?
30.The teacher's office is on the ________ (two) floor.
31.The flowers and trees are so beautiful, can you draw ________ (它们)?
32.Look at that _______ (酷的) man.
33.—_______ scarf is this? 
—It's Yang Ling's.
34.I have a p_____ with my friends in the park.
35.It’s a f_______ day. Yang Ling can h_______ a picnic in the park .
36.______________ (他的衬衫) is too big.
37.—______ (谁的毛衣) is this?
—It's Helen's.
38.A: What can you do in spring?
B: I can __________ the __________.
39.How many students like _____ and _____?
40.It’s twelve o'clock. It’s time for ______________.
My friend Anna always has a lot of fun at weekends. She usually gets up early on Saturday morning. Then she goes to the park and exercises (锻炼) for about an hour. After that, she
goes home to have her breakfast. She doesn’t do housework (家务) in the morning. She plays with her dog for about two hours in her garden. The dog runs, barks (叫) and jumps happily there.
It’s time for lunch. She doesn’t cook lunch at home. She usually has lunch in a small restaurant near her home. After lunch, she walks home and sleeps for an hour. When she gets up in the afternoon, sometimes she visits her friends and chats with them, sometimes she cleans her house. In the evening, she often cooks dinner for herself. After dinner, she usually reads books.
She enjoys her weekends very much.
41、Anna usually ___________ early on Saturday morning. (   )
A.gets up    B.visits her friends    C.cleans her house
42、She doesn’t ___________ in the morning. (   )
A.do housework    B.have breakfast    C.do homework
43、She plays with ___________ in the garden. (   )
A.her friends    B.her dog    C.her family
44、She sometimes ___________ in the afternoon. (   )
A.exercises    B.cleans her house    C.watches TV
45、In the evening, she usually ___________ after dinner. (   )
A.walks    B.watches TV    C.reads books
Hi, my name is Mike. I am tall and strong. I am kind. I can speak English, but I can’t speak Chinese. I can cook, but I can’t swim. I like to eat chicken and bread. I like to drink orange juice. I live in a village. There is a lake near the village. There are many houses in the villag
e. There are many trees in the village. I often play football on Saturday. I often draw cartoons on Sunday.
46、Mike can ________. (     )
A.speak English    B.speak Chinese    C.swim
47、Mike likes to eat ________. (     )
A.chicken and bread    B.chicken and fish    C.orange juice
48、There is a ________ near the village. (     )
A.house    B.trees    C.lake
49、Mike often ________ on Saturday. (     )
A.plays football    B.plays basketball    C.swims
50、Mike often draws cartoons on ________. (     )
A.Sunday    B.Saturday    C.Monday
