Module7 Unit1 We fly kites in spring .
绵竹市南轩小学 熊启艳
本篇教材选自新标准英语(三起)三年级上第七模块第一单元,通过学习四季名称spring, summer, autumn, winter及描述天气的词语warm, hot, cool, cold要求学生在不同季节能用相应的描述天气的单词来形容,并进一步深入学习在不同的季节进行的活动。三年级学生处于低年级阶段,教学内容设计生动活泼,穿插歌谣律动,浅显易懂,学生易于接受和运用。同时三年级学生对客观的世界已有一定的认识,对大自然各种天气现象的变化充满幻想和好奇,学习积极性很浓,具有探索的欲望。通过前段时间学习,学生能根据教师简单的个人指令做游戏,做动
小学英语的教学无论哪个年级都应以学生活动为主要教学形式,教师是活动的组织者和指导者。在教学中我借助多媒体教学,运用了TPR教学法、情景教学法、快乐教学法、任务型教学法等 ,强调语言运用,注重能力培养,突出兴趣激发,重视双向交流,重视知识的灵活拓展,通过说一说、唱一唱、做一做等形式将英语教学与音乐、美术有机地整合,从而引导学生探究式、自主式、合作式地参与整个教学活动。让学生在活动中感知,在情景中体验,在运用中实践,充分发挥学生的自主性,创造性,使学生主动参与到求知的行列中来。
1.Aim For Knowledge:
New words: spring  summer  autumn  winter  warm  hot  cool  cold 
Sentences: It’s …
We …in spring\summer\autumn\winter .
2.Aim For Ability:
3.Aim For Emotion:
4.Teaching Important And Difficult Point:
Teaching Important Points:
5.Teaching Difficult Points:
We …in spring\summer\autumn\winter .
6.Teaching tools:
CAI课件,word cards, stickers.
7.Teaching Process:
Step 1 warming up:
T: Hello, boys and girls .I’m Miss Xiong, I’ll give you a new lesson .Are you happy ? I hope you can do good job .Let’s begin our class .
(2)Daily report
T: S1 and S2,would you like to give us a daily report ?
(3)Free talk: According to their daily report, answer my questions .
1.What do you do at school ?
2.what do you do at home ?
3.What colour do you like ?
Step 2 :lead in
(1)Here are some colours on the screen. what color are these ?Each colour means one season .(出示season教读)
There are 4 seasons in a year .Listen to the short music, can you guess. What season is it ?(师边听音乐边画雪人) Ask, what season is it ?(点击白出示冬天图片及单词) It’s winter (教读winter winter It’s winter) Do you like winter ? I like winter ,too. Winter is white. How is the weather ?(出示weather教读) It’s very cold and snowy.(教读cold, snowy ) but I can make a snowman and play snowball . Do you make a snowman in winter ? What do you do in winter ?
Maybe these phases you can use :
Play basketball . play football . watch TV . table tennis . ride a bike  make snowman play snowball fly kites go swimming
Let’s have a pairwork :
A : What ,what , what do you do ?
B : Play .play , play basketball .
What ,what , what do you do ?
A :Play .play , play football .warmspring是什么意思
设计这个活动,主要是帮助学生复习巩固句型What do you do?学生跟着节奏边拍手边读,简单易记,琅琅上口,同时轻松地复习巩固了短语。
(2)I like winter ,because everything is white .Now let’s come back,look at this picture, it’s red .Think it over ,what season is red ?Let’s look and listen .
What season is it ?教读summer。
How is the weather ?教读hot ,rainy .
What do you do in summer?教读go swimming .
(3)Look at this picture , what colour is it ? Listen to the short music, can you guess, what
season is green ?(spring) Oh ,Yes . It’s spring .(课件出示春天) 教读spring (spring spring It’s spring.)
How is the weather in spring ?(老师作出很暖和,舒适的样子,引出warm) It’s warm and sunny . 教读warm ,sunny(升降调) warm ,warm spring is warm .
What do you do in spring ?教读fly kites .
(4)Look at the last colour . Can you guess . what season is it ? Great . It’s autumn . Autumn is harvest time .So autumn is yellow . (教读autumn ) How is the weather in autumn ? It’s cool and windy in autumn . (教读 cool, windy ) cool  cool  Autumn is cool .
Let’s have a chant :
Warm ,warm , spring is warm .
Hot , hot , summer is hot ..
Cool , cool , autumn is cool .
Cold, cold, winter is cold .
Can you make a new chant ?
There are 4 seasons in a year .What do you do in spring /summer/autumn/winter ?
Let’s have a pairwork . please discuss with your partner .one ,two,go .
(5)Feedback (2组)
(1)T: There are 4 seasons in a year . What’s your favourite season ? Now I will play the tape , you listen and repeat .after that you must tell me what season you like best . Why ? ( 播放录音,学生感知课文)
