Act 1
Narrator: It is a warm spring day. Two children play near their home. Their names are Hansel and Gretel。
Hansel: Look what I found! Do you see? They are white stones。 They are so small.
Gretel: How pretty! Look how they shine in the sun。
Hansel: I will fill my pockets. I will take them all!
Narrator: The children hear yelling. It comes from inside the house. They know it is their stepmother。 She is angry。
Stepmother: We are too poor! You are too lazy! Your children are greedy! They eat too much food。 We can not keep them。
Father: What are you saying?
Stepmother: Get rid of them!
Father: No! They are me children. I love them。 They need me.
Stepmother: If you do not, I will!
Father: I do not think so. You do not mean it.
Narrator: Father goes to work the next day。 Stepmother has a plan。 She calls Hansel and Gretel.
Stepmother: Children! Follow me。
Hansel and Gretel: Where?
Stepmother: We will play a game。 We will look for bluebirds in the woods。
Hansel: Really?
Gretel: I love bluebirds。
Stepmother: Then hurry up. Let's go。
Gretel: What are you doing, Hansel?
Hansel: I do not trust her. I am dropping my stones. warmspring是什么意思
Narrator: The sun moves across the sky. The children grow tired。 They stop to nap. Their stepmother walk away。 They wake up alone in the woods。
Gretel: Oh, Hansel! What will we do?
Hansel: See the stones? Follow them home!
Narrator: The children follow the stones. They make it home.
Stepmother: There you are! I was worried。
Narrator: She lies. She pretends it was a mistake。
Stepmother: I looked everywhere for you!
Father: My children! I was scared。 I thought you were lost。
Narrator: The children sleep well that night。 They think they are safe with their father.
Act 2
Narrator: The next day, Father goes to work. But the stepmother has a new plan.
Father: Bye! I love you。 I will see you soon.
Stepmother: Come with me, children. We will look for frogs in the woods.
Hansel: I do not trust her, Gretel。
Gretel: Me either!
Hansel: I have bread in my pocket. I will drop it。
Stepmother: You fool go play over there。 I will pick flowers。 Then I will come back。
Narrator: The children know it is a lie. But they feel safe。 They will follow the crumbs home。
Gretel: Hansel, what are those birds doing?
Hansel: Oh, no! They are eating our bread!
Narrator: It is true。 The birds ate all the bread.
Hansel: What will we do? It is getting dark. I am scared.
Gretel: I am cold.
Hansel: I am sorry, Gretel。 I did not think about the birds。
Gretel: Do not worry。 We can rest while it is dark. I will sing to you。 I will sing the song our mother used to sing.
Narrator: The children sleep. They wake with the sun。 They open their eyes. Do they really see what they think they see?
Gretel: Look, Hansel! It is a house!
Hansel: It is a house to eat! I see cookies and cake!
Gretel: And trees made of candy!
Narrator: Yes, the house is made of treats。 But the children do not know who lives there。 It is a witch。 And she eats children!
Gretel: Taste the roof. It is sugar!
Hansel: And the door is chocolate!
Hansel and Gretel: Yum!
Act 3
Narrator: They are soon full。 There are many good things to eat。 But they get a sudden surprise。 The door opens. It is the witch!
Witch: Ha! I have you know!
Hansel and Gretel: Help!
Narrator: They try to run。 But the witch grabs them。
Witch: I will put you in a cage。
Narrator: She tells Hansel。
Witch: You will do all my work.
Narrator: She tells Gretel.
Hansel and Gretel: Help! Help!
Witch: No one can hear you。 I will eat you, boy! I will get you fat and eat you. Get him some food!
Narrator: She yells to Gretel。 But the witch does not see well。 Gretel gives Hansel food。 But she also gives him a chicken bone. Each day, the witch checks to see if Hansel is fat。 Hansel sticks out the bone for her to feel.
Witch: You are not fat. Give him more food!
Narrator: Every day, the witch checks Hansel。 One day, she does not want to wait anymore.
Witch: Make a fire in the oven, girl。 I will eat the boy today。
Hansel: I am scared, Gretel.
Gretel: Do not worry! I know what to do。 Watch!
Narrator: Gretel goes to the witch.
Gretel: I do not know if the fire is hot enough. How do I check it?
Witch: Oh, you fool! This is how to do it。