    Spring is Here! What Everyone is Doing
    Spring is finally here! After a long, cold winter, the warm weather has arrived and everything is starting to look green and colorful again. It's my favorite time of year because there are so many fun things to do outside. Let me tell you about all the great activities that people in my neighborhood get up to when spring comes around.
    One of the first signs of spring is when people start working in their gardens again. My neighbors Mr. and Mrs. Jones are always among the first ones out there, digging up their flower beds and planting new seeds and bulbs. I like to watch them working from my bedroom window. Mrs. Jones has the greenest thumb and can make anything bloom beautifully. This year, I helped them plant some tulip bulbs. I can't wait until they sprout up re
d, yellow and purple flowers!
    My best friend Jake's mom is really into vegetable gardening. As soon as the last frost is over, she tills up her whole backyard plot and gets her seeds ready. Jake and I like to help her poke the seeds into the dirt. She grows all sorts of yummy veggies like tomatoes, carrots, corn, peppers and more. Getting fresh produce from her garden always tastes so much better than from the grocery store. I'm excited for when the plants start growing so we can snack on the sugar snap peas right off the vines.
    Another thing lots of people do in spring is go for walks, job or bike rides now that it's nice out. I see whole families out strolling around the neighborhood, sometimes with babies in strollers. The park fills up with kids on scooters and bikes, playing frisbee or just running around. Groups of teenagers hang out on the grass listening to music. Older people walk their dogs or just enjoy the fresh air and sunshine. Everyone is so happy to be outside again after hibernating all winter!
    Some people like to get an early start on their spring cleaning once the weather warms u
p. They'll open all the windows to air out their houses after having them closed up for months. You can see them washing window fans and carrying boxes of clutter out to the curb. I always worry they'll accidentally throw out some of my toys that got left in the yard over the winter! My mom makes my brother and me help with cleaning our rooms, garage and basement when she goes into spring cleaning mode. It's kind of boring but she says we can't have guests over until it looks neat. I don't mind too much since I'd rather be outdoors playing anyway.
    Speaking of playing outside, spring is prime time for sports! Lots of kids and adults get back into baseball, soccer, tennis, running and cycling once the snow melts. The high school sports teams start practicing for their seasons. My gym teacher gets so excited to move our classes to the outdoor fields and track again instead of being cooped up inside. I love gym class a whole lot more when the weather is nice. Playing kickball or doing relays is just more fun without icicles hanging from the roof!
    Some bigger kids who are really into sports get jobs working at golf courses, public pools
or amusement parks for the summer once school lets out. My teenage neighbor Emma is a lifeguard at the waterpark. I'm kind of jealous that she gets to chill by the pools all summer. A bunch of my friends' older siblings work at the local ice cream shops or snack bars that re-open for the warm season too. I think it would be really cool to get a job scooping sundaes or ringing up customers for cotton candy and sno-cones. Maybe when I'm older!
warmspring是什么意思    Spring is also a beautiful time in nature. Lots of people like to go on hikes or picnics in the woods to see the new wildflowers popping up and trees getting their leaves back. My favorite is when the cherry blossom trees bloom - they look like pink clouds! My family always makes it a point to drive around and look at all the blossoms before they get blown away. If we're lucky, sometimes we see babies being born on nearby farms too. There are so many new baby chicks, lambs, calfs and foals running around by their moms. They're so cute and tiny!
    Another sign of spring around here is when the farms open back up for visitors. Kids love going berry picking, taking hayrides, climbing on the play structures made of bales, getting l
ost in the corn maze and bonding all the friendly farm animals. Some farms have big festivals with music, dancing, pie eating contests and even a king and queen of spring! My aunt and uncle have their own small hobby farm and every year they let me come collect the eggs from the chicken coops and bottle feed the baby goats. It's my favorite spring tradition.
    As it keeps getting warmer, a ton of people take advantage of the nice weather by having cook-outs and parties. You can smell the grills firing up on everyone's patios and fire pits crackling at night. Neighbors wave to each other while doing yardwork or kids play in the sprinklers on front lawns.  Iced tea, lemonade and popsicles help everyone stay hydrated. It always feels like there's some kind of potluck, birthday or holiday celebration happening too. On Memorial Day, the town parade is always a blast with so many floats, marching bands, veterans and dancers. The whole community comes together at these fun events.
