Magic medicine
1. A2 stomach ache /'stʌmək/  /eɪk/n. 胃痛
pain in your stomach
< I ate too much and got a terrible stomach ache.
2. A2 accident /'æksɪdənt/ n. 意外
something bad happens that is not expected or intended
< She was injured in a road accident.
3. A2 ambulance/'æmbjʊl(ə)ns/ n. 救护车
a special vehicle used to take sick or injured people to I got hurt so I called an ambulance.
拓展:call an ambulance 叫救护车
4. A2 toothache /'tuːθeɪk/n. 牙痛
pain caused by something being wrong with one of your I have terrible toothache.
5. A2 hurt /hɜːt/v. 疼痛
to feel pain in a part of your body, or to injure someone or cause them pain
< Tell me where it hurts.
6. B1 earache /'ɪəreɪk/n. 耳痛
a pain in the inside part of your ear
< He had an earache because of too much noise.
7. A2 bandage /'bændɪdʒ/n. 绷带
a piece of cloth you put around a cut to protect it
< He wound a small bandage round her finger.
8. A2 headache/'hedeɪk/n. 头痛
a pain you feel inside your head
< I've got a headache because I do n’t have enough sleep recently.
Notes:hello spring是什么意思
9. A2 check /tʃek/v. 检查
to make certain that something or someone is correct, safe, or suitable by examining it, him, or her quickly
< After I'd finished the exam, I checked my answers for mistakes. 拓展:check in 办理登机手续check out 办理退房手续
10. B1 medicine /'meds(ə)n; 'medɪsɪn/ n. 药物something that you drink or eat to get better when you are sick 拓展:take medicine吃药
< Take two spoonfuls of medicine at mealtimes.
A2 advice /ədˈvaɪs/n. 意见;忠告
1. dentist n. 牙医
2. doctor n. 医生
3. chemist n. 药剂师
4. pharmacy n. 药房
5. rest n. / v. 休息
6. exercise n. / v. 锻炼
7. fit adj. 健康的
Your notes:
表建议(must / mustn’t, should / shouldn’t, needn’t)
1. 当表达做某事很重要时,我们用must。
例:You must take one four times a day. (你一定要一天吃四次。)
2. 当表达不做某事很重要时,我们用mustn’t。
例:You mustn’t forget, OK? (你千万不要忘记,好吗?)
3. 当表达做某事是个好主意时,我们用should。
例:You should get some exercise every day. (你应该每天进行些锻炼。)
4. 当表达不做某事是个好主意时,我们用shouldn’t。
例:You shouldn’t go to bed so late. You look very tired.
5. 当表达没必要做某事时,我们用needn’t。
例:You needn’t stay in bed. You should go for walks.
注:must / mustn’t, should / shouldn’t, needn’t 没有三单形式,后跟动词原形。
needn’t do = don’t (does n’t) need to do
Your notes:
