family 家庭father父亲mother 母亲grandfather 爷爷grandmother奶奶sister妹brother兄弟parents 父母uncle叔叔aunt 阿姨cousin表兄妹
teacher 老师doctor医生nurse护士worker工人famer农民student学生bus driver公交车司机
rat鼠ox 牛tiger虎rabbit兔dragon龙snake蛇horse马sheep羊monkey 猴rooster鸡dog狗pig 猪
first 第一second 第二third 第三fourth 第四fifth 第五sixth 第六seventh 第七eighth 第八ninth 第九tenth 第十eleventh 第十一twelfth 第十二
fast---slow 快-慢this---that这个--那个these---those这些-那些old---young老---年轻tall---short 高-矮thin-fat瘦-胖
go-come去-来near-far 近-远big-small 大-小black- white 黑-白
cold- warm 冷-暖
the Spring Festival春节the Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节Natival Day国庆节New Year’s Day新年Children’s Day儿童节
Sunday 星期日Monday 星期一Tuesday 星期二Wednesday 星期三Thursday 星期四Friday 星期五Saturday 星期六
January 一月February 二月March 三月April 四月May 五月June 六月July七月August 八月September九月Octorber 十月November 十一月December十二月
go for a walk 去散步read books 读书water flowers 浇花plant flowers 浇花watch TV看电视go shopping 购物watch a film 看电影watch the animals 看动物plant vegetables 种蔬菜fly kites放风筝work on the computer玩电脑play basketball打篮球go fishing 钓鱼wonderful 太棒了beautiful 美丽的
1、Li Ming’s family 李明的家庭
2、I don’t have brothers or sisters. 我没有兄弟妹
3、How old is your grandfather?你爷爷多大了?
4、My grandfather is eighty-one years old.我爷爷81岁。
5、A :What does Uncle Dachao look like? 大超叔叔看起来什么样?B:He is tall and thin. 他又高又瘦。
6、A:Where does she work? 她在那工作
B:She works at a hospital. 她在医院工作。
7、A :What does your father do? 你爸爸是做什么的?
B: He is a teacher. 他是一名老师。
8、A:How does she go to work? 她怎么去上班
B:She goes to work by bike.她骑自行车去上班。
9、My father likes to cook,I like to help him。
10、We like to have fun together 我们喜欢一起散步
11、I love travel 我喜欢旅行。
12、Do you love travel? 你喜欢旅行吗?
13、There are many interesting places in Beijing.
14、A: May I travel to Beijing? 我可以去北京旅行吗?
B:Yes, you may.
No, you may not.
15、A: May I invite them? 我可以邀请他们吗?
B: Yes, you may.
No, you may not.
16、I will call Mrs. Smith. 我会给史密斯太太打电话。
17、打电话A:Hello. This is Jenny. 你好,我是詹妮。hello spring是什么意思
May I speak to Danny? 我可以和丹尼通话吗?
B:This is Danny. 我是丹尼。
18、Li Ming and I are going on a trip to Beijing.
19、Can Jenny and Danny come? 詹妮和丹尼可以来吗?
20、I can talk to Danny’s mother.我可以和丹尼的妈妈谈谈。
21、A:When will we go to Beijing?我们什么时候去北京?
B:We will go to Beijing at 11:58 in the morning on February 3.
22、A:How far is it from Shijiazhuang to Beijing?
B:It’s 278 Kilometres. 有278千米。
23、Let’s take a train.我们坐火车吧. let’s +动词原形
24、A:Did you have a nice trip?你们旅途愉快吗?
25、Danny and Jenny arrives in Shijiazhuang at ten O’clock in the evening on May 1. 詹妮和丹尼1月31日晚上10点钟到达石家庄。26、
The Spring Festival is coming!春节来了!
27、When is the Spring Festival? 什么时候是春节?
28、Each year has an animal name.每年都有一个动物的名字。
29、A:What do you do for the Spring Festival? 你们为春节做什么?
B:We clean our rooms.We also make dumplings.
30、A:What do you do on the Dragon Boat Festival?
B:We have drangon boat races and we eat zongzi.
31、A:What is your year?你属什么?
B:My year is the year of the rat. 我属鼠。
32、We need train tickets from Shijiazhuan to Beijing.
33、I don’t like these trousers, I like those trousers.
My family
I have a happy family. My father is a doctor. He works at a hospital. He goes to work by bus.
My mother is a teacher. She works at a school. She goes to work by bike. I am a pupil . I go to school by bike. This is my family. I love my family !
My country
I live in China. We speak Chinese. Beijing is the capital city of China. Tian’anmen Square is in Beijing. It’s very big. the palace Museum is beautiful .It’s in Beijing,too. China's flag is red. It has five yellow stars. I love my country.
My travel plan
I will go to Beijing with my father and my mother, I will go to Beijing on July 1. We will go to Beijing by train. We will go to the Great Wall on July 2. We will go to Tian’anmen Squar e on July 3. Wewill go to the Palace
Museum on July 4. We will go shopping on July 5. We will go home on July 6. I love Beijing.
