Mr. Lin and his students are in the classroom. They are talking about the night.
Mr. Lin: When the sun goes down, we can see the moon high in the sky. Do people work at night?
Joe: Yes, they do. At night, doctors and nurses take care of patients (病人). Police officers patrol (巡逻) the streets.
Jack: At night, workers print (印刷) tomorrow’s newspapers (报纸). Bakers (面包师) bake (烘烤) bread and cakes.
Mr. Lin: What do you do at night?
Jack: Sometimes I do my homework. Sometimes I watch TV.
1、What are they talking about? (hello spring是什么意思   )
A.About the morning.    B.About the afternoon.    C.About the night.
2、When the sun ________, we can see the moon high in the sky. (   )
A.rises    B.goes down    C.goes up
3、Do people work at night? (   )
A.Yes, they do.    B.No, they don’t.    C.No. They go to sleep.
4、What do bakers do at night? (   )
A.Eat bread and cakes.    B.Print newspapers.    C.Bake bread and cakes.
5、Does Jack do his homework at night? (   )
A.No, he doesn’t.    B.Yes, he does.    C.He sometimes watches TV.
A: I have a robot. His name is Robin.
B: Cool! What’s he like?
A: He’s short but strong.
B: Is he clever?
A: Yes, he is. He’s very kind, too.
B: What can Robin do?
A: He can do some kung fu. He’s a good football player.
B: Can Robin sing English songs?
A: No, he can’t. But he can speak English.
B: What’ s his favourite food?
A: He likes chicken noodles. They’re delicious.
B: Oh, I’m hungry. What do we have for lunch today?
A: We have fish sandwiches and soup. Let’s go.
6、What’s the robot like? (     )
A.He can sing English songs.    B.His name is Robin.    C.He’s short but strong.
7、Can Robin do any kung fu? (     )
A.Yes, he can.    B.No, he can’t.    C.Yes, he does.
8、What's Robin's favourite food? (     )
A.Fish sandwiches.    B.Chicken noodles.    C.Soup and fish.
9、Is Robin clever? (     )
A.No, he can’t.    B.Yes, he is.    C.No, he is.
10、What do we have for lunch today? (     )
A.He’s a good football player.    B.We can speak English.    C.We have fish sandwiches.
Qian Hongyan is a swimmer. But she has no legs. She walks on a basketball. People call her “basketball girl”. There are 6 people in her family. Her grandpa, her father, her mother, her brothers and she. Her parents are both farmers, and her family is poor. But she is not sad and she likes swimming. She tries hard to be a good swimmer. Without legs, it is difficult for her to keep her balance (保持平衡) in water. She trains (训练) for four hours (小时) every day. In many swimming races (比赛), she swims like a “flying fish” and gets a lot of medals.
Now, she does a lot of things to help other people like her.
11、Does Qian Hongyan have legs? (    )
A.Yes, she does.    B.No, she doesn’t.    C.I don’t know.
12、How many brothers does Qian Hongyan have? (    )
A.One.    B.Two.    C.Six.
13、What is Qian Hongyan good at? (    )
A.Flying.    B.Playing basketball.    C.Swimming.
14、What does the word “medals” mean in Chinese? (    )
A.奖牌    B.本领    C.比赛
15、What can we learn from Qian Hongyan’s story? (    )
A.There are always a lot of difficulties. We can try and then we can do it.
B.Swimming is good for us. We should learn how to swim.
C.It is easy to swim for everyone.
I'm Mike. I like summer vacation very much. It starts from July 10th to August 31st this year. Today is the fourth day of the summer vacation. It's my birthday, too. I'm very excited. In the
morning, I get up early and go shopping with my mother. My mother buys a new cap for me. She also buys some apples. In the afternoon, the weather is cool. My parents take me to go on a picnic in the park. They have a birthday party for me there. I have some sushi. It's my favourite food. Which is your favourite food?
16、Mike likes ______ very much. (    )
A.winter vacation    B.Christams Day    C.summer vacation
17、When is Mike's birthday? (    )
A.On July 13th.    B.On August 31st.    C.On July 10th.
18、Mike and his mother ______ in the morning. (    )
A.go for a walk    B.go shopping    C.do morning exercises
19、The new cap is ______. (    )
A.Mike's mother's    B.Mike's father's    C.Mike's
20、______ is Mike's favourite food. (    )
A.    B.    C.
Hello, I’m Sara. I’m nine years old. I’m a student. My father is a doctor. My mother is a teacher. She is not so good today. She is ill. She has a cold. She needs a lot of rest (休息) and to take some medicine. I hope she can get better soon.
21、How old is Sara? (   )
A.She is eight.    B.She is nine.    C.She is ten.
22、How many people (人) are there in Sara’s family? (   )
A.Three.    B.Four.    C.Five.
23、What is Sara’s father’s job (工作)? (   )
