    Hello, Spring.
    As the chill of winter recedes and the world awakens from its slumber, a gentle breeze whispers a familiar tune—the melody of spring. It's a time of rebirth, a season that embraces change with open arms, bidding farewell to the barren landscapes of winter and ushering in a vibrant tapestry of colors.
    Hello, Spring! Your arrival is a promise of new beginnings, a signal for nature to awaken from its hibernation. The flowers, long dormant under the snow, eagerly thrust their heads out of the soil, blooming in a rainbow of hues. The cherry blossoms blush, the tulips nod gracefully, and the daffodils dance in the sunlight, each one a testament to your magic touch.
    The trees, too, have heard your call. They shed their winter robes and dress in fresh green leaves, their branches reaching skyward as if in a silent prayer of gratitude. The forest floor comes alive with the rustling of leaves and the chirping of birds, creating a symphony that only you, Spring, could orchestrate.
hello spring是什么意思
    The air you breathe is sweet.
