闽教版小学英语四年级下册 全册课文文本
Unit 1  Days of the Week
Part  A
What do you often do every week? 你每个星期经常做什么?
On Monday we raise our national flag. 星期一,我们升国旗。
We have a class meeting on Tuesday. 星期二,我们开班会。
We dance in the playground on Wednesday. 星期三,我们在操场上跳舞。
What do you often do                   ?
We                               .
We raise our national flag on Monday . 星期一,我们升国旗。
We have a class meeting on Tuesday. 星期二,我们开班会。
We dance in the playground on Wednesday. 星期三,我们在操场上跳舞。
Part  B
What do you often do on Thursday? 在星期四,你们经常做什么?
We have sports in the playground. 我们在操场上做运动。
We clean our classroom on Friday. 星期五,我们打扫教室。
What do you often do on Saturday and Sunday? 你们在星期六和星期日经常做什么?
I play the violin on Saturday. 星期六我拉小提琴。
I play football on Sunday. 星期日我踢足球。
Unit 2  Cleaning Day
Part  A
It’s Friday. Let’s clean our classroom.
Yang Ming is standing on a chair. He is cleaning the blackboard.
Lily is cleaning the desks. Julia is cleaning the chairs.
Sally is cleaning the window. Wang Tao is cleaning the door.
句型巩固:用 doing sth.的句型来描述正在做的事情
              Is cleaning the             .
Yang Ming is cleaning the blackboard. 杨明在擦黑板。
Lily is cleaning the desks. 莉莉在擦桌子。
Julia is cleaning the chairs. 茱莉亚在擦椅子。
Sally is cleaning the window. 莎莉在擦窗户。
Wang Tao is cleaning the door. 王涛在擦门。
Part  B
Well done, boys and girls! Our classroom is clean and bright now.
Please close the window. 请关好窗户。
Yes, Miss Gao.好的,高老师。
Please turn off the lights and fans. 请关灯和风扇。
All right. 好的。
Please close the door. 请关门。
OK. Let’s go home. 关好了。我们回家吧。
Please close the window. 请关好窗户。
Please close the door. 请关门。
Please turn off the fan. 请关风扇。
Please turn off the light. 请关灯。
Unit 3  School Subjects
Part  A
What day is today, Sally? 莎莉,今天是星期几?
It’s Wednesday.今天是星期三。
We have a math class this morning.我们上午有一节数学课。
That’s right. I like math. 是的,我喜欢数学课。
We have an English class, too. 我们有一节英语课。
I like it. But I’m not good at it. 我喜欢英语课,但是我不擅长。
Don’t worry. I can help you. 别担心,我可以帮助你。
It’s very nice of you. 你真好。
What day is today? 今天星期几?
Its             . 今天……
We have a         class this morning. 我们上午有一节……课。
Part  B
Do you have a science class this morning? 今天早上你有科学课吗?
No, I don’t. 不,我没有。
May I use your science book? 我可以用你的科学书吗?
Sure. Here you are. 当然可以,给你。
Thank you. 谢谢。
I like science class. 我喜欢科学课。
Me, too. It’s very interesting. 我也是,科学课很有趣。
And our teacher Ms. Lin is very interesting, too. 而且我们的林老师也非常有趣。
Yes. I like her class. 是的,我喜欢她的课。
Do you have a science class on Monday? 星期一你有科学课吗?
Yes, I do. 我星期一有科学课。
Do you have a Chinese class? 你有语文课吗?
No, I dont. 不,我没有语文课。
Monday ( Mon. ) 星期一      Tuesday ( Tue. ) 星期二      Wednesday ( Wed. ) 星期三
Thursday ( Thur. ) 星期四      Friday ( Fri. ) 星期五       
Unit 4  Transportation
Part  A
How do you go to school, Sally? 莎莉,你怎么去学校?
By car. 坐小轿车。
How do you go to school? 你怎么去学校呢?
By school bus.乘坐校车。
How does Kate go to school? 凯特怎么去学校?
She goes to school on foot.她走路去学校。
How does your mother go to work? 你的妈妈怎么去上班?
She goes to work by bike. 她骑自行车去上班。
How do you go to school? 你怎么去上学?
By school bus. 乘坐校车。
How does your father go to work? 你的爸爸怎么去上班?
He goes to work by car. 他乘坐小汽车去上班。
How does your mother go to work? 你的妈妈怎么去上班?
She goes to work by bus. 她乘坐公共汽车去上班。
Part  Bhello spring是什么意思
Who is she? 她是谁?
She’s my aunt. She’s from Taiwan. 她是我的阿姨。她来自台湾。
Does she go to Taiwan by plane? 她乘飞机去台湾吗?
No, she doesn’t. She goes by ship. 不是,她乘坐轮船。
Taiwan is a beautiful place. 台湾是一个美丽的地方。
Yes, it is. 是的。     
Does she go to               ?    Yes, she does.
Does she go to Taiwan by ship? 她乘坐轮船去上海吗?
Does she go to Beijing by plane? 她乘坐飞机去北京吗?
Does she go to               ?    Yes, she doesnt.
Does she go to Dalian by bus? 她乘坐巴士去大连吗?
Does she go to Shanghai by car? 她乘坐汽车去上海吗?
Part C
How do you go to school? 你怎么去上学?
By car. 乘坐小汽车。
By bus. 乘坐公共汽车。
By bike. 骑自行车。
By school bus. 乘坐校车。
Lily goes to school by bus. 莉莉乘坐公交车去上学。
Wang Tao goes to school on foot. 王涛走路去上学。
Julia goes to school by car. 茱莉亚乘坐小汽车去上学。
Review 1
Hello. Im Lily. Im in Class One, Grade Four. We have our science class on Monday. Science is very interesting. Our teacher Ms. Lin is very interesting, too. I like her class.
