1.I have a football ______ today. (    )
A.basketball    B.match    C.table tennis
2.In ______, it is cold. We make snowmen. (    )
A.spring    B.summer    C.winter
3.—What time is it? (    )   
A.At nine    B.It’s nine    C.At nine o'clock
4.—What’s the matter with _______ ? (    )
—He is ill.
A.he    B.his    C.him
5.I have a _______ lesson today. I can _______ well. (    )
A.skating; skate    B.skating; skating    C.skate; skating
6.—Hello. May I speak to Betty? (    )
A.Yes, I’m Betty.    B.Yes, this is Betty speaking.    C.No, I’m Lily.
7.—What’s the matter with ________? (    )
—She has a cold.
A.you    B.her    C.him
8.He can’t ________ them, his hands ________. (    )
A.draws; hurt    B.draw; hurts    C.draw; hurt
9.—Look at my shirt. (    )
A.It’s nice.    B.Thank you.    C.They’re beautiful.
10.—What do you want to drink? (    )
—I want some ________.
A.hamburgers    B.an ice cream    C.milk
11.—_______ is the kite? (   )
—It's _______ the tree.
A.Where; in    B.Who; in    C.What; on
12.—_______ is it tomorrow? (   )
—It's Tuesday.
—How many lessons do you have _______ Monday?
A.What time; in    B.What day; on    C.What day; in
13.—_______ pineapples would you like? (   )
—Three, please.
A.How much    B.How many    C.What
14.—I have a fever. (   )
A.Thank you.    B.Great!    C.I’m sorry to hear that.
15.Here ______ a lot of beautiful flowers. (    )
A.are    B.am    C.is
16.________ (not drink) in the reading room.
17.It’s time to have a ______ (draw) lesson.
18.He has a _________ (swim) lesson every week.
19.My shorts _______ (be) too long.
20.The women in red _______ (be) our teachers.
21.Hello! This is Yang Ling _______ (speak). I don’t have_______ (some) lessons today.
22.—Whose _______ (box) are they?  —They’re _______ (Miss Li).
23.—What’s the matter with _______ (she)?  —She _______ (be) ill.
24.I can’t see ________ (some) birds in the tree.
25.How many ________ (book) do we have?
26.Let’s go and _____ (make) a snowman.
27.I see five ________ (horse).
28.The red hat is ________ (my).
29.It's cold outside. Look, it is ________ (snow).
30.This is Mrs Green _________ (speak).
31.The flowers and trees are so beautiful, can you draw ________ (它们)?
32.—Are you ________ (生病的)?   
—Yes, I have a headache.
33._______ is the girl?  She's my sister.
34.Let’s go to the _____ (公园) and draw some flowers.
35._______ the girl over there?  _______ my cousin.
36.I’m t____. I want some water.
37.I want ____________ (一些水).
38.I can see a ______ on the desk.
39.Miss Li: ______ do you go to ______?
Helen: ______ nine.
Miss Li: It’s good to sleep early.
40.It’s twelve o'clock. It’s time for ______________.
One day, Mike and his grandpa are out for a walk. It’s hot, so they stop for a rest near a playground. There are some children playing football in the playground. And Mike wants to play too. So he asks his grandpa, “How are your teeth, Grandpa?”
His grandpa answers, “They are too bad.”
Mike is very happy. He gives some sweets to his grandpa, “Please look after the sweets for me. I will go to play football for a while.”
41、Mike and his grandpa are ______ one day. (   )
A.out for a walk    B.watching TV    C.listening to music    D.out for shopping
42、They stop for a rest near a ______. (   )
A.school    B.home    C.playground    D.garden
43、Mike asks his grandpa to look after his ______ for him. (   )
A.apple    B.teeth    C.sweets    D.football
44、Mike wants to play ______. (   )
A.basketball    B.football    C.volleyball    D.table tennis
45、Mike gives the sweets to his grandpa because his grandpa ______. (   )
A.doesn’t like sweets    B.doesn’t want sweets
C.can’t eat the sweets with his bad teeth    D.loves him
We like eating hamburgers. But do you know they are not healthy food? We can't eat them every day. David likes hamburgers very much and he eats them every day. He is not healthy.
Milk, eggs, fruit, meat and vegetables are healthy food. We can have milk, eggs and fruit fo
r breakfast. Meat is nice to eat, but we can't eat it too much. We can eat it for lunch. For dinner, vegetables are good. Green vegetables are really healthy food.
Please eat well every day and we can be healthy.
46、David likes __________. (   )
A.milk    B.hamburgers    C.meat
47、David isn't healthy, because __________. (hello spring是什么意思   )
