The Spring Girl in my imagination is a beautiful and gentle young lady, with long flowing hair the color of fresh green grass. Her eyes are the color of blooming flowers, twinkling with joy and excitement. She wears a flowery dress and a crown made of colorful blossoms, and as she walks, she leaves a trail of petals behind her. She has a warm and sunny personality, always bringing light and happiness wherever she goes. She loves to sing and dance, and her laughter echoes through the air like the sound of birds chirping. The Spring Girl is a symbol of new beginnings, growth, and renewal, and whenever she arrives, she brings with her the sweet scent of blooming flowers and the promise of warmer days ahead.
long spring是什么意思我想象中的春姑娘是一个美丽温柔的年轻女子,长长的头发像新鲜的绿草一样飘逸。她的眼睛是盛开的鲜花颜,闪烁着喜悦和兴奋。她身穿花裙,头戴由五颜六的花朵制成的花冠,走
