1.—Whose ______ are these? (    )     
—They’re my cousin’s.
A.shorts    B.short    C.dress
2.—________ lessons do we have today? (    ) 
—We have six.
A.What    B.Where    C.How many
3.That ________ a shirt and these ________ shorts. (    )
A.is; is    B.are; is    C.is; are
4.—What’s the matter with ________? (    )
—She has a cold.
A.you    B.her    C.him
5.—_______ you like a pie? (    )
—Yes, please.
A.Do    B.Would    C.do
6.—_______ is the kite? (   )
—It's _______ the tree.
A.Where; in    B.Who; in    C.What; on
7.—_________ lessons do you have in a week? (    ) 
—We have thirty.
A.What    B.How many    C.How much
8.—Look at the gloves. They're so big. _________ gloves are they? (    )
—They're my uncle's.
A.Whose    B.What    C.Who
9.It's nine o'clock in the evening. It's time _________ bed. (    )
A.to    B.in    C.for
10.—I am ________.this is spring是什么意思  (   )
—Here’s a glass of water for you.
A.thirsty    B.hungry    C.tired
11.I have an ______________ lesson every week. (   )
A.swimming    B.dancing    C.English
12.Here ______ a lot of beautiful flowers. (    )
A.are    B.am    C.is
13.—Look, there ______ a pair of shoes under the sofa. (    )
—Oh, yes. Whose ______ they?
A.is; are    B.are; is    C.are; are
14.Let’s ______ some pictures here. (   )
A.draw    B.to draw    C.drawing
15.The shorts ______ too big. Try ______. (    )
A.is; this    B.are; this    C.are; these
16.There are some desks in the library. Can you move ________ (it) to the classroom?
17.The jeans _______ (be) my _______ (brother), _______ (Mike).
18.There are fifty _______ (student) in my class.
19.I do _____ (I) homework after school.
20.I’m _______ (sorry) to hear the bad news (消息).
21.—Whose _______ (box) are they?  —They’re _______ (Miss Li).
22.—What’s the matter with _______ (she)?  —She _______ (be) ill.
2an I have ________ (any) cakes?
24.This is ________ (I) timetable.
25.Look at _____ (we) fruit salad.
26.Mary can _____ (have) lunch at school every day.
27.—Are you thirsty, Joe?
—Here _____ (be) some water for you.
28.I see five ________ (horse).
29.We are hungry after the football game. We want _____ (have) dinner now.
30.This is Mrs Green _________ (speak).
31.Spring is warm. A_______ is cool.
32.The flowers and trees are so beautiful, can you draw ________ (它们)?
33.—Look at the ________ (毛衣).   
—They’re nice.
34.I ______ (通常) draw some ______ (花) in the park.
35.-How old is she? -She is ____.
36.I want to drink some ________ ________ (温水) .
37._______ the girl over there?  _______ my cousin.
38.I’m t____. I want some water.
39.—______ (谁的毛衣) is this?
—It's Helen's.
40.Look at the _________. They are cool.
It’s winter. It is cold and we must wear(穿) more clothes(更多衣服) to keep warm. Today I’m wearing two shirts and a sweater. For warmer, I wear long underwear. I am also wearing thick socks and warm shoes. When I go out, I will wear a hat and a scarf(围巾) to keep my head and my neck(脖子) warm. I will wear a warm, heavy jacket to keep my
body warm, and to keep the wind out. If I don’t wear gloves, my hands will get very cold. I will walk to the bus stop today, so that I can go to visit my friend. I must walk quickly to keep warm. If I walk slowly, I will get cold. When it’s cold outside, it’s nice to stay inside where it’s warm.
41、It’s cold in winter, so we must ________ to keep warm. (  )
A.eat much food    B.wear more clothes    C.run
42、Today I’m wearing ________ sweater(s) and ________ shirts(s). (  )
A.a; two    B.two; a    C.a; a
43、If I want to keep my body warm, I will wear ________. (  )
A.a heavy jacket    B.a dress    C.a hat
44、I will walk ________ to keep warm. (  )
A.slowly    B.quickly    C.quick
45、If it’s cold outside, you can ________ where it is warm. (  )
A.get out of    B.stay inside    C.still stay outside
My name is Amy. I’m from Canada. There are four people in my family. My parents, my brother and me. I usually get up at 6:30 and I often go hiking (去远足) on the weekend. I like spring best. It’s windy and warm. And I like winter, too. Because my birthday is in December, and I can play with snow. Today my parents are going shopping to prepare (准备) for my birthday tomorrow. My brother is playing in the garden. I’m watching TV.
46、Amy often goes hiking ______. (    )
A.On Sunday    B.in spring    C.on the weekend
