1.You      play football on the road.(  )
A.mustn’t    B.must    C.can
2.We’re going to _______ a party this Sunday. (     )
A.having    B.has    C.have
3.How can you cross the road ______?   (  )
A.safety    B.safe    C.safely
4.Mr Black _____ in Shanghai last year, but now he _____ in Suzhou. (   )
A.lives; lived    B.lived; lives    C.lived; live
5.—_________ it often _________ here? (    )
—Yes, people usually take an umbrella with them.
A.Is; rain    B.Does; rainy    C.Is; rainy
6.The snowthis is spring是什么意思 show will begin tomorrow.下面划线部分字母组合发音,哪一个与所给例词发音不相同:(    )
A.clown    B.know    C.slow
7.There _____ no computers in my home before. But now there _____ two computers. (    )
A.are; are    B.were; are    C.are; were
8.The boys and girls were happy ________ Lily’s birthday party last night. (  )
A.for    B.at    C.of
9.He is going ____________ artist. (   )
A.to an    B.to be an    C.an
10.The magazine talks about _______ dinosaurs. (    )
A.lot of    B.a lot of    C.a lot
11.Lucy didn’t ______ to school because she ______ a cold. (   )
A.go; have    B.go; had    C.went; had
12.That's funny, Mike! You're _______ a pink T-shirt. (   )
A.wear    B.wears    C.wearing
13.—How _______ are you? (   )
—I’m 1.65 meters.
A.heavy    B.size    C.tall
14.There are four _________ in a year. (    )
A.days    B.seasons    C.weeks
15._________ are you? (    )
A.How long    B.How tall    C.How many
16.—How many ______ do you see? (    )
—I see three.
A.potatoes    B.tomatoes    C.green beans
17.—______ are your shoes, Micheal? (   )
—Size 7.
A.What size    B.What time    C.What color
18.My family usually go to the park together _____ Sunday. (   )
A.in    B.on    C.at    D./
19.Your schoolbag is _____ than mine. (    )
A.bigger    B.big    C.biggest
20.—_______ did you _______ yesterday? (   )
—I went to the bookstore.
A.What; go    B.Where; went    C.Where; go
21.He fell off his bike and _______ (hurt) his leg last night.
22.The boy fell off the bike and ______ (hurt) his foot.
23.Mary _____ (live) in the USA before.
24.—Why must we stop and wait again?
—Because some children ________ (cross) the road.
25.We must stay _________ (safe) on the road.
26.He usually ______ (walk) fast.
27.Nick is great! He always _______ (完成) his homework before eight.
28.__________ your parents __________ (read) newspapers every day?
29.The boy was not _________ (excited) at the party.
30.All my friends like _______ (play) the piano. They want to be _______ (piano).
31.What a m________! His books are here and there! Who can help me?
32.Stay s________ and follow the rules on the roads.
33.People in the UK _______ (欢迎) visitors.
34.C_______ Day is on the first of June.
35.The moon goes around the _________.
36.This pet cat is not beautiful, it is very __________.
37.There is a _____ (体育馆) at school.
38.Tim _____ (停留) at home last Friday.
39.What did you d_______ last weekend?
40.—W_____ feet a_____ bigger than yours?
—My m_____.
There are four __41___ in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.
Spring is a nice season. __42___ warm and windy. Trees are green and flowers __43___ colorful. We wear sweaters. We __44___ trees and fly kites.
Summer is hot and rainy. We wear raincoats and boots on __45___ days. We go __46___ and boating. We can eat a lot of fruits.
Autumn is cool and sunny. Everything is golden. We wear jackets and pants. We go __47___ and have picnics.
Winter is cold and snowy. Sometimes it's white. We can __48___ a snowman. We wear warm clothes. We __49___ a lot of fun.
What's your __50___ season?
41、A.season    B.seasons    C.weeks    D.months
42、A.It's    B.It    C.They    D.They're
43、A.is    B.am    C.are    D.be
44、A.play    B.dig    C.give    D.plant
45、A.rainy    B.rain    C.windy    D.wind
46、A.swim    B.swimming    C.swam    D.swing
47、A.shop    B.camp    C.hiking    D.hike
48、A.making    B.made    C.makes    D.make
49、A.have    B.has    C.do    D.had
50、A.nice    B.like    C.best    D.favorite
How is the weather in Australia? Would you like to know about it? Let me tell you·
It is autumn in China now, but it is spring in Australia. Spring is very nice in Australia. It is fine and warm. There are a lot of flowers there. Every year there are many flower shows in some big cities. Many people go to the flower shows. Winter is not very cold and summer is not very hot. In summer it is a little hot at noon, but it is cool in the morning and in the evening. It rains sometimes, but it doesn't snow.
