1.I have a football ______ today. (    )
A.basketball    B.match    C.table tennis
2.—What time is it? (    )   
A.At nine    B.It’s nine    C.At nine o'clock
3.The girl _______ a red dress is my good friend. (    )
A.in    B.with    C.on
4.—I’m very _______. (this is spring是什么意思    )
—Here’s a fan _______ you.
A.cold; for    B.hot; for    C.cold; to
rawing is _______, but I can try. (    )
A.right    B.easy    C.difficult
6.—Hello. May I speak to Betty? (    )
A.Yes, I’m Betty.    B.Yes, this is Betty speaking.    C.No, I’m Lily.
7.Winter is very ________. We can ________. (    )
A.cool; go skating    B.hot; fly kites    C.cold; go skating
8.She can ________ cakes. (    )
A.makes    B.making    C.make
9.—Can you draw a tree? (    )
—Sure. It’s _______.
A.difficult    B.easy    C.nice
10.—_______ crayons would you like? (   )
—_______ fourteen.
A.How many; I'd like    B.How old; I like    C.How much; I'd like
11.—_______ do you come home? (   )
—I come home _______ five.
A.When; on    B.What time; at    C.What time; in
12._______ is the first season of a year. (   )
A.Spring    B.Sunday    C.Summer
13.—Are you ill? (    )
—No, _______.
A.it isn’t    B.I amn’t    C.I’m not
14.—_________ lessons do you have in a week? (    ) 
—We have thirty.
A.What    B.How many    C.How much
15.—What ______ big fish it is! (    )
—Yes. I like ______ fish.
A./; /    B.a; the    C.a; /
16._______ (Those) monkey is very lovely.
17.Look at the jeans. They're _________ (David).
18.That is _________ (we) new timetable.
19.Let's _________ (make) a kite.
20.He can __________ (play) basketball very well.
21.—Those gloves _____ ( be) too big.
—Try these.
2an you see _____ (he) new shirt?
23.This is Su Hai _____ (speak). May I _____ (speak) to Nancy?
24.Hello! This is Yang Ling _______ (speak). I don’t have_______ (some) lessons today.
25.I’m _______ (sorry) to hear the bad news (消息).
26.I _______ (have) a PE lesson and he _______ (have) a PE lesson too.
27.This is _____ (we) new timetable for today.
28.Are these ______ (you), Tom?
29.The teacher's office is on the ________ (two) floor.
30.It's cold outside. Look, it is ________ (snow).
31.The students _________ (画一些红花) by the river.
32.Spring is warm. A_______ is cool.
33.She often runs _______ cold evenings.
34._______ do you go to school?  At seven forty.
A: ______ ______ is it now?
B: ______ four fifty.
A: It’s time to go ______.
B: OK. Let’s go.
36.—What’s the matter with _________ (他们)?
—They’re too _________ and _________ (又累又渴).
37.In _____ (春天), we fly kites in the park.
38.It’s ten o'clock in the morning. It’s time for _________.
39.—What _____ (课) do you have?
—I have _____ and _____.
40.I play football with Mike on _____ afternoon.
Spring in Nanjing is very short. It is warm and sunny. People (人们) like to go to the parks on sunny days. It is very hot in summer in Nanjing. People do not like to play balls in the afternoon. They like to go swimming in summer. In autumn, it is cool and sunny. Many people like to come to Nanjing in autumn. In winter, it is cold in Nanjing. Boys and girls like to make snowmen and go skating. They have great fun in winter.
41、Spring in Nanjing is very ________. (    )
A.short    B.warm    C.A and B
42、People like to ________ in summer. (    )
A.go to the parks    B.go swimming    C.go skating
43、People like to go to Nanjing in ________. (    )
A.in spring    B.in autumn    C.in winter
44、Boys and girls like to _________ in winter. (    )
A.go to the parks    B.go swimming    C.go skating
45、Boys and girls have _________ in winter. (    )
A.great fun    B.sad    C.make showmen
Hello, my name is Rick! I live in a small city with my parents, but my grandparents live in a mountain village.
My father likes the city. In the city, there are tall buildings and nice cars. He can eat many kinds of food and do many kinds of things, but I don't like city life.
The village is so beautiful. The trees are green, and the flowers are colourful. I can do kung fu with my grandpa in the morning. There is a river beside the village.
The water is clean. In summer, I can swim in it! I love the village!
46、Rick lives in a ______. (   )
A.village    B.city    C.mountain
47、What’s in the city? (   )
A.Tall buildings and nice cars.    B.River.    C.A village.
48、What does Rick like? (   )
A.The city.    B.The river.    C.The village.
