this is spring是什么意思It is Christmas Day. There is a big party in the house. Then the bell rings. Several people shout, "Come in!" A small man opens the front door and comes in. Nobody knows him, but the host goes to meet him and takes him to the bar for a drink. The man sits there happily and has a drink. Suddenly, he says to the host, "Nobody invited me to this party. I don’t know you. I don’t know any of your guests. My wife and I want to get out of our car, but one of your guest’s cars is in front of our gate. So I come here. My wife is waiting in our car for me to go back."
1、There is a __________ party in the house. (    )
A.Christmas    B.birthday    C.New Year
2、The small man comes into the house from the __________. (    )
A.window    B.back door    C.front door
3、__________ at the party knows the small man. (    )
A.Everybody    B.Nobody    C.The host
4、The small man goes to the party because __________. (    )
A.he wants to have a drink    B.the host invites him
C.a guest’s car is in front of his gate
5、Which of the following sentences is WRONG? (    )
A.It is December 25th.
B.The small man’s wife is in the car now.
C.The host knows why the small man comes when he comes in.
Amy: Which season do you like best, Mike?
Mike: Well, in Canada I like fall best. The sky is very blue. The leaves are colourful.
Amy: Which season do you like best?
Zhang: I like winter best. We go up north. We play in the snow.
Amy: Winter is beautiful, but it’s too cold for me. I like summer best. I like to swim in the sea.
Mike: Summer is good, but fall is my favourite season.
Zhang: Why?
Mike: Halloween and Thanksgiving!
6、Zhang Peng likes ________ best. (     )
A.winter    B.summer    C.spring
7、Winter is beautiful, but it’s too ________ for Amy. (     )
A.hot    B.warm    C.cold
8、Mike likes ________ best. (     )
A.summer    B.fall    C.spring
9、The sky is very ________ in Canada. (     )
A.blue    B.yellow    C.white
10、Amy likes ________ best. (     )
A.winter    B.summer    C.fall
A: Wang Bing, what can you see over there?
B: I can see a yellow jacket.
A: Whose jacket is it?
B: Let’s go and have a look. It’s Mike’s, I think. You can see a cat on it.
A: Where’s Mike?
B: He’s in the playground.
A: Mike, Is this your jacket?
C: No, it isn’t. My jacket is blue.
11、Wang Bing can see _______________. (   )
A.a sweater    B.a coat    C.a jacket
12、Is the yellow jacket Mike’s? (   )
A.Yes, it is.    B.No, it isn’t.    C.Sorry, I don’t know.
13、Mike’s jacket is _______________. (   )
A.small    B.big    C.blue
14、You can see _______________on the yellow jacket. (   )
A.a dog    B.a cat    C.a tiger
15、Where is Mike? (   )
A.He’s in the library.    B.He’s in the playground.
C.He’s in the living room.
Mr Brown lives in a nice house in a small town with his wife, Mrs Brown. From Monday to Friday he works in an office near his house. He is free on Saturdays and Sundays. He has a nice garden beside his house. He likes growing flowers and he often works in the garden on Saturdays and Sundays. The flowers are very beautiful and Mrs Brown likes them very much. She often helps Mr Brown.
16、Mr Brown lives in _____ with his wife. (    )
A.A city    B.a small town    C.a big town
17、He works _____ days a week in his office. (    )
A.four    B.five    C.six
18、He isn’t _____ on Saturdays or Sundays. (    )
A.helpful    B.busy    C.happy
19、He likes _____ on Saturdays and Sundays. (    )
A.working in his garden    B.walking in his garden    C.looking in his garden
20、Mr Brown _____ the flowers. (    )
A.likes    B.doesn’t like    C.often helps
My name’s Nancy. I’m eleven. I’m a student of Grade four. On Monday, I get up at six o'clock. I have breakfast at seven and then I ride my bike to school. I have four lessons in the morning and three in the afternoon. I like English and Music. I have a brother Tom. He likes Science and English. He’s twelve. He has a bike too. We like riding bikes on Sunday.
21、Nancy is _____. (    )
A.ten    B.eleven    C.twelve
22、Nancy gets up at _____ o'clock on Monday. (    )
A.seven    B.four    C.six
23、How many lessons does Nancy have on Monday? (    )
A.Four.    B.Seven.    C.Three.
24、What subjects do Tom and Nancy like? (    )
A.Science.    B.A bike.    C.English.
25、Which is wrong (错误的)? (    )
A.Nancy can’t ride bikes.    B.Tom is twelve years old.    C.Tom can ride bikes.
