this is spring是什么意思班级:_____________  姓名:_____________
1. 阅读理解,判断正误(对的用T表示,错的用F表示)。
Hello, I''m Mary. Today is my birthday.I have many gifts. Look, this is a new skirt. It''s pink and blue. I like itvery much. This is a story book. It''s funny. And here are some toys for me.Look, this is a toy cat. It''s so cute. And I have a yummy cake for my birthday.Taste it, so sweet. I like this cake very much. And I am very happy today. Whatabout you?
(  )  (1)Today is Mary''s birthday.
(  )  (2)Mary has a new dress.
(  )  (3)She has a toy cat. It''s cute.
(  )  (4)Mary doesn''t like the story book.
(  )  (5)The cake is very yummy.
2. 阅读理解。
    My name is Bo    B. My favorite day is October 16th, because it''s my birthday. I am very happy on that day. I eat eggs for breakfast. Then my friends come to my home and play with me. We sing and dance. Someone plays the piano and someone plays the guitar. Lunch is very nice. After lunch, my parents take me to see a movie. My favorite movies are comedies and action movies. After supper, my parents, my sister and I watch TV. Then I go to bed at ten thirty. I don''t do my homework on that day. I am very tired but happy on my birthday。
[1]Bob''s birthday is________________. (  ) 
A. October 8      B. October 16          C. December 8th     D. December 18th
[2]Bob''s favorite movies are__________. (  ) 
A. comedies      B. action movies       C. thrillers               D. A and B
[3]Bob goes to bed at_______________.  (  ) 
A. 10:30      B. 10:13          C. 10:00        D. 3:10
[4]Does Bob do his homework on his birthday? (  ) 
A. Yes, he does.   B. No, he doesn''t.  C. No, he isn''t.    D. I don''t know。
[5]How is Bob on his birthday? (  ) 
A. Tired.    B. Happy but not tired.  C. Tired but happy.  D. Happy.
3. 读短文,用“正确”或“错误”表示。
We''re in the park in summer. It''s sunny and hot. Amy can fly a kite. She has a yellow and grey kite. Kelly is sitting on the bench (长凳). She likes ice-cream. Bob and Lucy like to swim in the lake (湖). Amy and Kelly say (说), ' Don''t swim here. It''s so dangerous (危险的) !' 'I''m sorry.' They''re good friends. They''re happy.
[1]It is rainy today. We''re in the park.  (  ) 
[2]Amy''s kite is yellow and grey. (  ) 
[3]Kelly likes juice. (  ) 
[4]We can''t swim in the lake. It''s dangerous. (  ) 
[5]They aren''t happy today. (  ) 
4. 阅读短文,判断正误。
Mary has a big farm. There are many vegetables on the farm. They are tomatoes, cucumbers(黄瓜), potatoes, onions and carrots. At lunch time, Mary likes to eat some tomatoes and cucumbers. At dinner time, Mary likes to eat some potatoes.
(1)Mary has a big farm.(  ) 
(2)There are many flowers on the farm.(  ) 
(3)There are many cabbages on the farm.(  ) 
(4)Mary likes to eat tomatoes and onions for lunch.(  ) 
(5)Mary likes to eat potatoes for dinner.(  ) 
5. 阅读短文,选择正确的词。
This weekend, Sam and Amy will go to the zoo. They will see lions, tigers, and pandas. Daming will go to visit his grandpa. He will see lots of ducks, pigs, and cows. Lingling will g
o to the park. She will see trees and flowers. They will be happy.
(1)Sam will go to the ________.
A. park    B. zoo    C. school
(2)Sam and Amy will see ________.
A. grandmother    B. dogs    C. tigers
(3)Daming will visit his grandpa. He will see ________.
A. lions    B. pandas    C. cows
(4)Lingling will go to the ________.
A. park    B. zoo    C. school
6. 读表格,选择正确答案。
[1]8的右面是_____。(  ) 
A.9     B.10     C.15
[2]11在_____左一格。(  ) 
A.3     B.    C.6
[3]11向上走两格,再向右走一格是_____。(  ) 
A.4     B.17     C.20
[4]6的左邻右舍分别是_____。(  ) 
A.10;5     B.16;11     C.14;4
[5]第一列的规律,在空格处的数字是_____。(  ) 
A.6     B.11     C.12
7. 阅读理解。
My name is Lucy. I''m twelve years old. I study in Hong Xing Primary School. Look, this is my classroom. There are twenty desks and twenty chairs. And there are eight fans in my classroom. And we can see three windows and two doors. We can see two blackboards, too.
(1)—How old is Lucy?—_________________.
A. eleven    B. twelve    C. thirteen
(2)There are ________ desks in the classroom.
A. twenty    B. twelve    C. thirteen
(3)There are ________ fans in the classroom.
A. nine    B. ten    C. eight
(4)We can see ________ blackboards.
A. one    B. two    C. three
8. 读短文,判断正误。

A crow (乌鸦) is thirsty. He finds a little water in a bottle (瓶子). But the neck (颈部) of the bottle is long. The crow can''t get water. The crow thinks (想) and thinks. He puts some little stones in the bottle. The water rises up (上升). Now he can drink the water. What a clever crow!
(  ) (1)The crow is thirsty and hungry.
(  ) (2)The neck of the bottle is long.
(  ) (3)The crow puts some big stones in the bottle.
(  ) (4)The crow can''t drink the water at last (最后).
(  ) (5)The crow is so clever.
9. 阅读理解。
Hello! My name is Li Shan. I have a happy family. There are three people in my family. My mother is a doctor. My father is a teacher. He teaches English. My father likes bananas, fish and milk. My mother likes apples, cookies and tea. I like pears, cakes and juice. We all like eating vegetables.
