7BU4 Finding the way
Welcome 语言点
1.  A is +方向 of B (AB的什么方位)
上海在南京的东面  Shanghai is       of Nanjing. =Shanghai is to the east of Nanjing.
A is in the +方向 of B(AB里面什么方位)
上海在中国的东面  Shanghai is     of China.  台湾在中国的东南Taiwan is in the southeast of China.
美国在加拿大的南面。 The US is (to the) south of Canada.
公园在学校的西北面。The park is (to the) northwest of the school.
北京在中国的北部。Beijing is in the north of China. =Beijing is in the northern part of China.
北京在江苏的北面。Beijing is (to the) north of Jiangsu.
山东在江苏的北面。Shandong is (to the)north of Jiangsu.
香港在中国的南部,澳门在香港的西部。  (Hong Kong,  Macau)
2. Follow me, Eddie.  =Come with me.  (follow=come/go after)
  follow sb. to sp.    请跟我到图书馆。Please follow me to the library.
  跟我来,我会告诉你路线。 Follow me and I’ll show you the way.
冬去春来。 Spring follows winter.      沿着这条街走到公交车站。Follow the street to the bus stop.
3. Are you sure, Hobo?      be sure 确信,有把握
spring street是什么意思(1) be sure to do sth. 表示说话人推测“一定,必然会”。  天肯定会下雨。 It _____ ______ ____ rain.
(2) be sure + that从句,确信……  我确信我能比你跑得快。 I’m ____  ___ I can run faster than you .
(3)Are you sure?      (4)Don’t be so sure.
(5)be sure of/ about sth      be sure of/about doing sth   确信,对(做)某事有把握
一定要写信告诉我所有的消息。Be sure to write to me and tell me all the news.
你对钱有把握吗?Are you sure of money?      我确信他会帮助我。I’m sure (that) he can help me.
4. Don’t be afraid.    ①祈使句:e.g.  上学不要迟到  Don’t be late for school.
      不要在街上踢足球  Don’t play football on/in the street.    Never come here again.
②(1) be afraid of (doing) sth. 害怕(做)某事,表示“怕……”“担心……”
  不要害怕犯错误。 Don’t be afraid of making mistakes.
  他总是害怕一个人呆在家里。 He is always afraid of staying at home alone.
这个小孩怕狗。 The little boy is afraid of the dog .
  (3) be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事,着重指“因害怕而不敢做某事”。
      夜间他不敢独自外出。  He is afraid to go out alone at night .
  (4) be afraid ( that ) 从句表示“引出不好的消息或带有歉意的回绝:。
    抱歉,我恐怕帮不了你。Sorry,  I am afraid (that) I can’t help you .
(5) I’m afraid not.        I’m afraid so.
5.  have to go up again        have to do 不得不做…
  他不得不帮他妈妈做家务。He has to help his mum do/with the housework.
改成否定句:  He doesn’t have to help….    have to do…否定句 don’t /doesn’t have to do 不必做。
下雨了,我不得不呆在家里。 It’s raining. I have to stay at home.
她妈妈病了,她不得不照顾她。  Her mother is ill, so she has to look after her.
你不必敲门。  You don’t have to knock at/on the door.
我不能和你玩游戏,我得先做作业。I can’t play games with you because I have to do my homework first.
我必须学好英语,因为我发现它很有用。I must learn English well because I fine it is very useful.
6. Let‘s go on a trip (to sp.)!        have/take /go on a trip to sp. 进行一次去...的旅行
be on a trip 在去...的旅行中
我们正计划着一次去故宫的班级旅行。 We are planning a class trip to the Palace Museum.
They are looking forward to having/taking a school trip to Sunshine Town.
7…about three kilometres away (from my school).
  动物园离我学校4千米远。 The zoo is four kilometres away from my school.
我们学校离体育中心很远。  Our school is far (away) from the Sports Center.
    …is far (away) from…  离多少公里远……is …away(from…), far 必须省略。
    图书馆离我们班教室五百米远。The library is five hundred metres away from our classroom.
How far is the library (away) from your classroom?
How far is the school (away)from the your home?
It’s four kilometres away.      It’s ten minutes’ walk.
我在离这儿很远的一个镇上工作。I work in a town far away from here.
我住在离这儿两英里远的地方。I live two kilometers from here.
我家离这儿不远。  My home is not far from here.
汽车站离我家很远。The bus station is very far away from my home.
我们学校里这里不远。Our school is not far from here.
Phrases:  1. find your way to sp        2. follow me=come with me=go after me 
3. Are you sure?          4. between the hills        5. go down here           
6. Don’t be afraid (of doing sth/ to do sth)            7. have to do sth            8. go up  (again)
9. go on a trip to sp  (take a trip to sp;    be on a trip to sp)    10. north of the zoo=to the north of the zoo 
11. about three kilometres away (from sp)      12. get there/here/home (by bus)
1. Let’s enjoy Beijing opera here. (改为同义句)    ____ ___ / _____ ___ enjoy Beijing opera here?
2. Be late for school.  (改为否定句)              ______ ___ late for school.
3. I think we can go there by underground. (改为否定句)  I _____ _____ we can go there by underground.
