译林英语 词句默写 五下 姓名               
Unit 1
1. put on穿上 take off 脱掉
at the prince’s house  在王子房子里
2. A fairy comes. 一个仙女过来。
Why are you so sad?  你为什么如此伤心?
Because I can’t go to the party.
Why can’t you go to the party?
Because I don’t have any nice clothes or shoes.
3.When does Cinderella have to come back ?
(She has to)  come back before 12 o’clock
灰姑娘不得不在何时回来? 在12点整前回来
I have to go now.  我现在不得不走了。
Cinderella goes home at 12 o’clock.
4. Cinderella has a good time at the party.
5.The prince visits every house.
Whose shoe do the girls try on ?spring street是什么意思
王子拜访每一户人家。 姑娘们试穿谁的鞋?
Many girls try on the(Cinderella’s) shoe, but it does not fit.许多姑娘试穿这只鞋,但它不适合
6.Finally, Cinderella tries it on. It fits!
7.snacks 点心/零食  hungry 饿了
8.Bobby finds some mushrooms under a tree
9.hurry up =be quick 赶快  (be) late 迟到
10. Bobby picks (pick摘)… We pick (pick )…
11.understand 明白懂得 eat them 吃掉它们
12.be bad for对…有害的 /这些蘑菇对我们有害。These mushrooms are bad for us.
13.leave…behind  丢下  / 她丢下一只鞋。
She leaves a shoe behind.
Unit 2
1.注:居住live in; where,here,there前in/to省去Where do you(they) live? 你(他们)住哪里?
I live on Moon Street, near City Library.
(用他改写) => Where does he live? He lives …
2.How do you come to school?
Su Yang and I come to school by bus.
=Su Yang and I take a bus to school
(三单改写) => How does he come to school? He comes to school by bus. 乘巴士
= He takes a bus to school. 乘巴士
3. by bike乘自行车  by car/ship乘汽车/轮船by plane乘飞机  by train/metro乘火车/地铁by taxi乘的士    a taxi driver出租车司机
4. Where do you live ?  I live near school.
I go to school on foot. = I walk to school.
(三单改写) =>Where does he live? He lives
He goes to school on foot.=He walks to school.
5.(I live/She lives) in Sunshine Town在阳光镇on Park Street 在公园街
6. He lives near school. 他住在学校附件。
He lives far from school. 他家离学校远。
= It’s far from school. 
7. He likes riding it. 他喜欢骑自行车。
8. Can I go to school by bike ?
= Can I ride a bike to school ?
Bobby wants to show his bike to Sam. =
Bobby would like to show Sam his bike.
10. too young 太年轻    really 真的
Bobby’s dad does not think so.
He always sits in the basket.
12.达到那儿  get there
work on a big ship 在大船上工作
Unit 3
1. ask the way问路  打扰一下excuse me
go to the cinema/hospital/zoo/shop
    电影院/ 医院  / 动物园/商店
get on/ off/下  turn left向左转
2How do I get to your home/the bookshop?
You can get on the metro at Park Station
and get off at City Library Station.
Then, walk to Moon Street. There’s a
bookshop on the street. My home’s next to it.
Go along this street. Turn right at the
traffic lights. Then, go along Moon Street.
You can see the bookshop on your right.
3e out 出来  ask…for help 向…求助
next to =near 在…旁边
Yang Ling comes out from City Library
Station.  She asks a policeman for help.
杨玲从市图书馆站出来。 她向一警察求助。
4.How do we get to City Cinema?
  We can go by bus .
5.They wait for the bus at the bus stop.
6.The bus comes. 公交车来了。
The bus is full.公交车满了。
They get in a text. 他们上出租车。
The film is over. 电影结束。
7.There are too many cars in the street.
在街上有太多的汽车。 (注:onStreet)
8.They get to the cinema by metro
Let’s take a metro.让我们乘地铁
9.How does he get to …? 他怎样到达…?
Unit 4
1.go to see the doctor  去看医生
He goes to see the dentist. 他去看牙医
2.What’s wrong with you? 你怎么啦?
= What’s the matter with you ?/
with+宾格 (me,us,you,him,her,it,them)
答句: I/You/They have…. ; She/He has
  a headache/a fever/ a toothache/ a cold
xxx得了 头痛/ 发烧  / 牙疼 / 感冒
3. Let me check.  让我检查
4. What should I/she do? 我她应做什么?
You/She should  have a rest 你应该 休息
/take (some) medicine    服药
    /drink(some warm) water (些温)
    / brush your/her teeth  刷牙
in the morning and before bedtime
在早晨 和 睡觉前
shouldn’t eat too many sweets不应该吃太多糖
注:can,should,would, 情态动词,
5. I can’t eat anything. 我不能吃任何东西
eat (a lot of )sweets  (许多)
brush one’s teeth  刷牙 (tooth的复数)
6.Why does he have a toothache?
7.Bobby helps in the hospital. (主语单数)
  My arm/ear/nose  hurts. (主语单数)
