1Where is Ken?           
A. He's in the kitchen.                 B. He's in the bathroom.                 C. He's sleeping.
2Ken's father is in the        . He's making the bed.           
A. living room                               B. bathroom                               C. bedroom
3Look! May        the plants.           
A. is watering                            B. are watering                            C. am watering
4Sam is        the floor in the living room.           
A. sweep                                   inspring是什么意思B. sweeping                                   C. sweeps
1)题目的问题是: Ken在哪里? 根据图片他在厨房. A选项是: 他在厨房. B选项是: 他在浴室. C选项是: 他在睡觉. 故答案为: A.
2)题目的问题是: Ken的爸爸在...... 他在整理床铺. 根据图片他在我是整理床铺. A选项是: 他在厨房. B选项是: 他在浴室.C选项是: 他在卧室. 故答案为: C.
3)题目的问题是: May ......植物. 根据图片May在浇绿植. 句子主语是第三人称单数, be动词用is, 故答案为: A.
4)题目的问题是: Sam在客厅里....... 根据图片他正在客厅里扫地. 这是现在进行时, sweep用现在分词sweeping. 故答案为: B.
【点评】这是考查阅读能力的题目. 仔细观察图片, 并且要注意问题所用的时态.
    Many years ago, people use a stick, a large piece of wood and dry leaves to make a fire. Today, wood, gas (煤气) and electricity () can all make a fire. I think wood is the most dangerous. And I like gas most because it's easy.
    People use fire in many ways. At home, people use fire to cook food and boil water. In fa
ctories, workers use fire to melt (熔化) metals (金属) to makes things of different shapes. Some workers use fire to make glass.
    Fire can help us to do many things, but sometimes fire is dangerous. Cigarettes and campfires can all start a fire in the countryside, in schools and at homes. We must be careful. We mustn't smoke in the countryside, and we mustn't cook without an adult (成年人). We mustn't play with matches. We mustn't play around a fire.
1Many years ago, people use gas and wood to make a fire.   
2Gas is very easy.   
3People can cook and boil with fire.   
4Fire is very useful and it's safe.   
5Cigarettes and campfires can't start a fire.   
1)句意:许多年前人们用天然气和木头生火。根据短文叙述 Many years ago, people use a stick, a large piece of wood and dry leaves to make a fire.(许多年前,人们用木棍,大块的木头和干树叶生火。)可知题目叙述错误。故答案为:错误。
2)句意:天然气很容易。根据短文叙述And I like gas most because it's easy.(我最喜欢天然气,因为它容易。)可知题目叙述正确。故答案为:正确。
3)句意:人们可知用火来烹饪和煮东西。根据短文叙述 At home, people use fire to cook food and boil water.(在家里,人们用火来做饭或烧水。)可知题目叙述正确。故答案为:
4)句意:火有用并且安全。根据短文叙述but sometimes fire is dangerous.(可是有时候火是危险的。)可知题目叙述错误。故答案为:错误。
5)句意:香烟和篝火不能引起火灾。根据短文叙述Cigarettes and campfires can all start a fire in the countryside,(在乡下,香烟和篝火都可以引起火灾。)可知题目叙述错误。故答案为:错误。
    Sea horses are small. They don't have legs or arms. They can't run. They don't live on the land, but live in the sea. Their heads look like the heads of horses. So people call them “sea horses”. The sea horses are small fish. They like to live in the warm water. Father sea horses carry the eggs to keep them safe (确保……安全) in their pouches (育儿袋) until they hatch (孵出,出壳).   
1The sea horses are a kind of ___________.           
A. horse                                        B. fish                                        C. plant
2The sea horse likes to live ___________.           
A. on the land                      B. in the cold water                      C. in the warm water
3The sea horse's head looks like the ___________.           
A. cat's                                       B. horse's                                       C. fish's
4A sea horse ___________.           
A. has legs                                  B. has arms                                  C. can't run
5___________ carry the eggs.           
A. Father sea horses                    B. Mother sea horses                    C. No sea horses.
【答案】 1B
1)根据The sea horses are small fish.知海马是小鱼,故答案为B.
2)根据They like to live in the warm water.知海马喜欢生活在温暖的水里,故答案为C
3)根据 Their heads look like the heads of horses.知海马的头看起来像马的头,故答案为B
4)根据 They can't run. 知海马不能跑,故答案为C
5)根据 Father sea horses carry the eggs知海马爸爸搬运蛋,故答案为A
    Near my home there is a big zoo. There are many animals there. They are tigers, lions, elephants and so on. I often go to the zoo with my parents. I like pandas best. They are very beautiful and lovely. There are three pandas in the zoo: a father panda, a mother panda and a baby panda. I like them very much. Look! They have black eyes,  white faces, black ears and fat bodies (身体). They wear black and white coats all the time (一直,总是). They like to eat green bamboo. Pandas live in China. Their hometown (故乡) is in Sichuan. They are very friendly and cute. Do you like pandas?   
