    Spring Festival is a time of joy and reunion. It's like a poem written by Du Fu, full of warmth and depth. The air is filled with the scent of firecrackers and the laughter of children. Families gather around the table, sharing stories and wishes for the new year.
    The streets are bustling with activity, red lanterns swaying in the breeze. Shop windows are decorated with images of the zodiac animal and traditional symbols of good luck. Vendors call out to passersby, selling everything from sweet candies to colorful fireworks.
    In the evenings, the sky is lit up with a brilliant display of fireworks. They explode in the air, painting the night sky with vibrant colors. It's almost like a painting by Wang Ximeng, capturing the essence of the festival in a moment of brilliance.
    Inside homes, the sound of television and conversation blends with the smell of dumplings and spring rolls cooking in the kitchen. Grandparents tell stories of old, while children count down the minutes to midnight, eager to welcome the new year with a loud bang of fireworks.
    Spring Festival is a celebration of life, love, and hope. It's a time to reflect on the past and look forward to the future. It's a poem, a painting, and a song, all coming together to create a unique and unforgettable experience.spring rolls是什么意思
