1. —I can't imagine life without Wi-Fi.
—Yes.Wi-Fi is_______important invention.It makes our life convenient.()
A. an
B. a
C. the
2. Pandas are the symbol of peace and friendship.They are China's national_______.()
A. heroes
B. treasures
C. guests
3. —Surprising!Tom got the best grade in the test last week.
________ is impossible.He studies really hard online this term.()
A. Anything
B. Everything
C. Nothing
4. Macron,the president of France,went to visit China_______April 5,2023.()
A. in
B. on
C. at
5. The " Tiangong Class ",held by Chinese astronauts can_______young people's interest in science.()
A. increase
B. disturb
C. receive
6. —Have you finished the book yet?
— Yes,I was_______moved by the story.It really touched my heart.()
A. deeply
B. wisely
C. simply
7. —The students of Grade 9 have to take part in the PE test.
— Yes,_______they are busy studying,they need to practice more.()
A. unless
B. until
C. though
8. Recently,the song Lonely Warrior_______very popular,especially among those in primary schools.()
A. will become
B. has become
C. became
9. It's_______for teenagers to learn how to manage time because it's helpful.()
A. impolite
B. normal
C. necessary
10. Beijing is trying to build more and more pocket parks_______people's living environments.()
A. improving
B. improve
C. to improve
11. The students are lying on the grass after the football match.They_______be very tired.()
A. must
B. should
C. can
12. I_______the world's first two- seater flying car in Chongqing.I can't wait to watch it.()
A. am angry with
B. am crazy about
C. am afraid of
13. Sanming is a green city because more and more trees_______every spring.()
A. plant
B. are planted
C. are planting
14. China is getting better at making hi-tech products ______ can be bought in all parts of the world.
A. who
B. which
C. what
15. —Could you tell me_______?
—In three days.()
A. how often they go to the countryside
B. how long they stayed in New York
C. how soon they will go to see the children
I was nine when my father first sent me flowers.I had been taking dancing lessons for six months,and the school was holding its yearly(1)______ .As a member of the beginners' chorus line (歌舞团),it was a (2)______ to have my name called out at the end of the performance along with the lead dancers and to find my arms full of red roses.I can still feel myself standing on that stage,seeing my father at the audience cheer (3)______ .
As the years passed,all kinds of celebration festivals—birthdays,awards,graduations—were (4)______ with Dad's flowers.Dad's flowers(5)______ his pride and my success.
As I developed better,my father gradually became weak,but his gifts of flowers(6)______ until he died of a heart disease a few days before his 70th birthday.I covered his coffin(灵柩)(7)______ the largest reddest roses I could find.
Often in the following years since,I have strongly expected to go out and buy a big bunch (花束)to fill the living room,(8)______ I never did.I knew it would not be the same.
One birthday,I was feeling (9)______ because I was alone at home.Then the doorbell rang.To my
surprise,there stood my son,Matt,who had run out earlier with a "see you later",never mentioning my birthday." Happy birthday!I hope you like(10)______ ,Mom." He pulled a bunch of daisies(雏菊)from behind his back.
16.  A. speech    B. performance    C. interview
17.  A. surprise    B. program    C. record
18.  A. quickly    B. quietly    C. loudly
19.  A. acted B. marked    C. played
20.  A. stand for    B. pay for    C. wait for
21.  A. found    B. moved    C. continued
22.  A. of    B. with    C. on
23.  A. so    B. and    C. but
24.  A. upset B. glad    C. lucky
25.  A. cards B. flowers    C. cakes
Fricket is a two to two backyard game.
It has 2 wickets(球门).Players need to throw the frisbee(飞盘)to hit the wicket.
1.Hit 1 pole to knock off the cup.If the cup hits the ground,get 1 point.
2.Defense(防守)tries to catch the knocked off cups with one hand.If they do,get 1 point for 1 cup.
3.If the frisbee is thrown between poles without touching the poles and the cups,get 2 points.
Be the first team to score 21 points.
Remember to exchange sides of wickets at 10 points.
26. Fricket is a kind of ______ .
A. frisbee
B. pole
C. game
D. wicket
27. According to the instruction,______ players are needed.
A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four
28. If you want to get 2 points,you need to ______ .
A. knock off two cups to hit the ground
B. knock off one cup to hit the ground
C. catch one knocked off cup with one hand
D. hit two poles without knocking off cups
29. When you ______ ,you will win.
A. get 10 points
B. get 21 points
C. exchange sides at 21 points
D. exchange sides at 10 points
30. In which section of the newspaper would you probably read the passage?______
A. Science &Technology.
B. Film &TV.
C. Travel &Festivals.
D. Sports &Health.
A boy helped save the life of his friend from choking(噎)in the dining hall at school while having their lunch there.Many people watched a video of the accident online.
In the video,Jackson just got a seat and ate his chicken sandwich.Suddenly the food stuck in his throat and he hiccuped(打嗝).Hunter Olsen sat across from Jackson.He thought that Jackson was just joking and laughed at it along with his friends.
But soon it became clear that Jackson was really choking and tried to cough the food out.He pointed to his throat to tell Hunter that he was not playing.Hunter realized that he had to"do something"and used the Heimlich Maneuver(海姆立克急救法).He stood behind Jackson,put his arms around Jackson.
He made a fist(拳头)with one hand and grasped the fist with the other hand near the top of Jackson's stomach,then made a quick,hard movement.Finally,with Hunter's help,Jackson coughed the food out and could breathe again.
wispring是什么意思Ms.Howa,who taught them the Heimlich Maneuver during her health class,said she couldn't believe her ears when she heard what happened. But she was over the moon to know how her student put what she taught into practice.She took pride in Hunter.
Hunter said at that time he didn't pay much attention to Ms.Howa's class because he thought he would never use it in his life,but her great teaching helped him know what to do when someone needed help.Then he said,"I just thought that doing something was better than doing nothing."
31. The underlined word " it " in Paragraph 2 refers to the fact that ______ .
A. Jackson was eating
B. Jackson was hiccuping
C. Jackson was joking
D. Jackson coughed the food out
32. Hunter realized Jackson was really choking when ______ .
A. he just sat down with his friends
B. Jackson's face turned red
C. his friends began to laugh
D. Jackson pointed to his throat
33. How do you understand the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4?______
A. Ms.Howa was happy with what Hunter did.
B. Ms.Howa didn't believe Hunter saved Jackson.
C. Ms.Howa went over to see what happened.
D. Ms.Howa wanted to know how Hunter saved Jackson.
34. How did Hunter save his friend______
A.    B.    C.    D.
35. The writer wrote the text mainly to ______ .
A. To tell a story that a boy saved his friend
B. To tell what the Heimlich Maneuver is
C. To teach us not to play jokes while eating
D. To teach us how to use the Heimlich Maneuver
In most classes,students sit at desks and listen to teachers in a classroom.But in a new class at Chapman Middle School (CMS)in Kansas,US,students are leaving the blackboards behind for blue skies and green grass.
They are actually taking an outdoor life class.It's not a typical(典型的)class,but teachers are trying it out.
"We want kids to experience the outdoors,"the class teacher John Harris said.
Twenty-six students attend a semester class.That is 15 to 18 weeks.The class includes four parts:archery (射箭),hunting safety,survival skills(生存技能)and fishing.Students will also discuss how to protect natural resources.
Before Harris' class this year,archery teacher Andy Fewin taught a 9-week outdoor life class.All CMS students took it."It gets kids involved(参与)in something other than sitting and playing video games,"Fewin said.
Harris shares the same idea.He believes everyone needs to enjoy life and get outside."The outdoor life class aims to get the kids interested in coming to school,really enjoying their class time and understanding the big picture,"Harris said.
