1. 旗帜 (qí zhì) - flag
- 我们国家的旗帜是五星红旗。
- The flag of our country is the Five-starred Red Flag.
2. 旗舰 (qí jiàn) - flagship
- 这家公司的旗舰产品是他们最畅销的手机。cheongsam
- The flagship product of this company is their best-selling mobile phone.
3. 旗袍 (qí páo) - cheongsam
- 在中国传统文化中,旗袍是女性常穿的传统服装。
- In Chinese traditional culture, cheongsam is a traditional dress commonly worn by women.
4. 旗语 (qí yǔ) - semaphore
- 没有无线电通信时,水手们使用旗语进行远距离传递信息。
- When there was no wireless communication, sailors used semaphore to transmit information over long distances.
5. 旗手 (qí shǒu) - standard-bearer
- 队伍中的旗手高举着国旗,引领游行队伍前进。
- The standard-bearer in the procession held the national flag high, leading the marching group forward.
