Changjin Lake tells the story of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea. It tells the story of a volunteer company still guarding its position under ice and snow and making great contributions to the Changjin Lake campaign. The whole film is very shocking. Their frozen fragments perfectly show their spirit of returning to death.
  Not just these people in the ice and snow Changjin lake. In history, China has changed from a country that was slaughtered by others to one of the best in the world. I think the important node of the transformation is a series of battles in which the weak won the strong during World War II. Yes, before that, there were many battles in history, such as the battle of Chibi, which is familiar to everyone. What is the difference between these battles and World War II? As we all know, in the era of World War II, the best weapon for killing people was firearms. Originally, a series of superb strategic commands such as burning, cutting, sword splitting, archery and grass boat borrowing arrows could be used to reverse the war situation. However, during World War II, there was no joint venture to let you burn, bullets could not be
reused, and cold weapons gradually withdrew from the stage of history and replaced with guns one by one, That's a gun. As a long-range weapon, gun also has super power. Whether it has or not often represents the trend of war. But China's broadsword team can also defeat Japanese troops with guns.
