    Spring Outing Memo.
    Date: April 15th, 2023。
    Location: Greenfield Park.
spring outing是什么意思    The sun was shining brightly, and the air was filled with the fresh scent of spring. It was a perfect day for our annual spring outing at Greenfield Park. As the excitement built up among the group, I decided to jot down a memo to capture the essence of this memorable day.
    Weeks before the outing, we had gathered as a group to discuss the logistics. The park, renowned for its lush greenery and various recreational facilities, was chosen as the perfect venue for our outing. We divided the responsibilities among ourselves, with some taking charge of food and beverages, others arranging transportation, and a few designated as the "entertainment committee" to plan games and activities.
    I, as the designated "memo keeper," was tasked with documenting our day. I made sure to pack my camera, notebook, and a few extra batteries for my recorder to capture every moment.
    Arrival at the Park.
    On the morning of.
