1.—Help me out in the kitchen and I ________ you to a cup of coffee.
—Sounds good.
A.will treat    B.treat
C.am treating    D.have treated
2.—I have not heard from Mark for a long time. I'm quite worried about him.
—OK. I ___________ you know the minute I hear anything.
A.have let    B.let    C.would let    D.will let
考查一般将来时。句意:——我好久没有马克的音讯了。我现在挺担心他的。——好的,我一听到什么消息就会告知你的。分析语境可知,过去和现在都没有消息,收到消息告知“你”,这件事情只可能在未来发生,故使用一般将来时。此外,本题易误用虚拟语气,根据从句“the minute I hear anything”使用一般现在时,可排除主句使用虚拟语气。综上,故选D。
3.Dr. Smith as well as his daughters,    visit Beijing this summer.
A.isgoingto    B.aregoingto
C.wasgoingto    D.weregoingto
试题分析:考查 动词的时态与主谓一致。句意:史密斯博士和他的女儿今年夏天将要来北京。A as well as B 谓语动词与A保持一致,所以用单数形式,根据时间状语this summer.用将来时,故选A项。
考点 : 考查 动词的时态与主谓一致
4.Turn on the television or open a magazine and you ________ advertisements showing happy families.
A.will often see    B.often see
C.are often seeing    D.have often seen
考查“祈使句+and +陈述句”句型。祈使句相当于一个条件状语从句,and后的陈述句的谓语用一般将来时,这是一个较为固定的句型。
5.Sarah ______ for Beijing tomorrow, so she can’t go to have a picnic with us.
A.had left    B.has left
C.is being left    D.is leaving
6.It’s your own business. If you don’t attach importance to it, who else  ?
A.does    B.was    C.has    D.will
7.---Thank you for inviting us.Tell your wife that she gave us a perfect party.
---I______. See you later.
A.must    B.should    C.will    D.can
8.The purpose of education        be to provide students with a value system – not to prepare them for a specific job.
A.will    B.should    C.could    D.may
B 考查情态动词。句意:教育的目的是提供给学生一个有价值的体系,而不是为特定的工作进行准备。Should 表示应该。
9.Only after one has become a parent _____ how great his parents are.
A.he will realize    B.will he realize    C.that he realizes    D.he does realize
10.Peace is necessary to all. After all, it is the United States and China, as the two largest economies in the world, that ________ most from a peaceful and stable Asia-Pacific.
A.are benefited    B.will benefit
C.will be benefited    D.had benefited
11.--How about buying Tim a mobile phone ? After all, he isn’t a boy any more.
--I think it’s necessary, for we sometimes want to make sure if he ____  for dinner.
A.will come    B.comes    C.has come    D.would come
为是必要的,因为我们有时会想确认他是否会回来吃饭。根据句意这是一个宾语从句,确认他是否将回来吃饭,是一般将来时, A. will come一般将来时 B. comes一般现在时 C. has come现在完成时 D. would come过去将来时,所以A正确。
12.If my brother doesn’t go to the evening party,        .
A.neither do I    B.I will either    C.either will I    D.nor will I
13. Turn on CCTV news and we ________how happy our life is. But there is no denying that over the past decades, the cost of living ________ sharply.
A.are seeing; had increased    B.will see;has been increasing
C.see; increased    D.have seen; is increasing
试题分析:考查动词时态。前句是固定句型“祈使句,and+句子(一般用将来时)”,而时间状语over the past decades是现在完成时态或现在完成进行时态的标志,所以B选项正确。句意:打开中央新闻联播我们就会看到我们的生活是多么的幸福。但是不能否认在过去的几十年里,生活费用一直在急剧上涨。
14.As your spoken English gets better, so ___ your written English.
A.will    B.do    C.is    D.has
试题分析:考查倒装句和时态:第一空是倒装句的肯定形式:So + 助动词/情态动词/be动词+ 主语,表示“主语和前面句子的主语一样,做同样的事”,解释为“主语也……。”第二个点考查主将从现,所以助动词要使用will/shall。句意:随着你英语口语的好转,你的书面语也会好起来的。选A。
考点: 考查倒装句和时态
15.Half the world’s population ______ water shortages within 15 years according to the World Bank, just one of many recent alarming reports on the world’s fresh water supply.
A.are suffering    B.have been suffered    C.will suffer    D.were suffered
试题分析:根据时间状语within 15 years,故用一般将来时。
