1.Lets have a picnic in the park today.
2.When are we going to eat?我们打算什么时候吃饭
3.There are some ducks on the pond
池塘里有一些鸭子4.There are some dark clouds in the sky空中有一些乌云
5.Its going to rain soon很快就要下雨了
6.I dont think so我认为不是这样
7.Its raining now现在下雨了
8.Its dry over there那边是干的
9.They are eating our sandwiches
10.It looks like youre going to stay hungry
11.It will snow in Harbin哈尔滨
12.It will rain in Beijing北京将要下雨
13.It will be cloudy in Tianjin天津将要多云
14.It will be cold and windy in Xian西安将是寒冷多风的天气15.It will be warm and sunny in Sanya三亚将是暖和晴朗的天气
1.Lets have a picnic in the park today.
2.When are we going to eat?我们打算什么时候吃饭
3.There are some ducks on the pond
池塘里有一些鸭子4.There are some dark clouds in the sky空中有一些乌云
5.Its going to rain soon很快就要下雨了
6.I dont think so我认为不是这样
7.Its raining now现在下雨了
8.Its dry over there那边是干的
9.They are eating our sandwiches
10.It looks like youre going to stay hungry
11.It will snow in Harbin哈尔滨
12.It will rain in Beijing北京将要下雨
13.It will be cloudy in Tianjin天津将要多云
14.It will be cold and windy in Xian西安将是寒冷多风的天气15.It will be warm and sunny in Sanya三亚将是暖和晴朗的天气
1.Lets have a picnic in the park today.
2.When are we going to eat?我们打算什么时候吃饭
3.There are some ducks on the pond
池塘里有一些鸭子4.There are some dark clouds in the sky空中有一些乌云
5.Its going to rain soon很快就要下雨了
6.I dont think so我认为不是这样
7.Its raining now现在下雨了
8.Its dry over there那边是干的
9.They are eating our sandwiches
10.It looks like youre going to stay hungry
11.It will snow in Harbin哈尔滨
12.It will rain in Beijing北京将要下雨
13.It will be cloudy in Tianjin天津将要多云
14.It will be cold and windy in Xipicnic是什么意思an西安将是寒冷多风的天气15.It will be warm and sunny in Sanya三亚将是暖和晴朗的天气
1.Lets have a picnic in the park today.
2.When are we going to eat?我们打算什么时候吃饭
3.There are some ducks on the pond
池塘里有一些鸭子4.There are some dark clouds in the sky空中有一些乌云
5.Its going to rain soon很快就要下雨了
6.I dont think so我认为不是这样
7.Its raining now现在下雨了
8.Its dry over there那边是干的
9.They are eating our sandwiches
10.It looks like youre going to stay hungry
11.It will snow in Harbin哈尔滨
12.It will rain in Beijing北京将要下雨
13.It will be cloudy in Tianjin天津将要多云
14.It will be cold and windy in Xian西安将是寒冷多风的天气15.It will be warm and sunny in Sanya三亚将是暖和晴朗的天气
