Module 1
1. They are my friends. 因为they是人称复数他们;所以用are.
2. This is Maomao. Shes very nice.
This is Ms Smart. She is a nice teacher.
This is Xiaoyong. He is a clever pupil.
3. Can you answer the call?  Can+动原
4. This is my aunt. She is very nice./This is my uncle. He is very clever.
picnic是什么意思This is my brother. He is cool./This is my sister. She is cute.
This is my friend. He s very naughty.
This is ..... Hes/Hes.....
Module 2
1. Whats this? 这是什么?(其答句要用Its开头的句子)
2. Its a book about London. About 关于
3. Is it your house?Yes, it is. No, it isnt.一般疑问句用什么问用什么答
4. Whose house is it? Its the Queens house. Whose对谁的东西进行提问    Queens house名词所有格;表示......的
5. Its close to the Queens house. Close to 靠近
6. London Bridge is falling down. Be(am ,is, are)+v.ing 表示正在发生的事情. 现在进行时态.
Module 3.
1. Sam can ride a bike. Amy can fly a kite. Can+ 动原  ride a bike译为骑自行车. fly a kite 译为放风筝.
2. Whats that,Daming? Its a robot. Whats that? Whats this? 回答都用It
3. One day, robots will do everything.
          they will do the housework.        Will+动原
          they will help children learn.
          they will do our homework.
4. Nex tweek is a holiday. What will you do,Shanshan?询问某人将要干什么? 用什么时态问;就用什么时态答.
On Monday, Ill go swimming. On Tuesday, I ll play with my friends.On Wednesday, i ll go to the park.
On Thursday, i ll do my homework. On Friday, ill visit my grandpa. On Saturday, ill help my mother. On Sunday, ill read my books.
5. Today is Monday and tomorrow is Tuesday.
1. On Saturday were going to have a picnic. On +星期  be going to+动原;  have a picnic举行野餐
2. Will you take your kite tomorrow? Yes, i will . No, i wont.一般疑问句;用什么问用什么答.
3. Why not? Because tomorrow is Friday. 用why 问用because答
4. I will take my kite and my ball on Saturday. Will +动原. on+星期
5. It will be sunny in Beijing.will be+形容词
6. Will it be hot in Haikou? Yes, it will. No, it wont.一般疑问句;用什么问用什么答.
Module 5
1.be( am, is(was) )    I he she it 单三(was)
Are ----were      you  they  we  复数(were)
2.I am ten now, but i was two then. (now 表示现在时态;用am;then 表示过去时态用was)
3.She wasnt fat.She was thin.
4.They werent old then.They were young.
5.Was it fat? No, it wasnt. It was thin.(一般疑问句;肯否定回答用Yes/No)
Module 6
be动词的口诀:我(I)用am ;你( you)用are ,is 连着他(he)她(she)它(it),单数
(is)复数(are)变疑问be提前;句末问号莫忘记;变否定更容易;be 加not 要牢记;疑问否定任意变;句首大写莫忘记.(Be动词过去很容易;am,is 变was.然后把are变成were
1.Were you at the park yesterday?  Yes,i was.  No, i wasnt.
2.Is it sunny in London?  Yes, it is. No, it isnt.
3.Was it sunny in London?  Yes, it was.  No, it wasnt.
4.I want to play in the sun. Want to do sth 想要做某事.在太阳下用介词“in”.
5.Were you at home yesterday? Yes, i was.  No , i wasnt.(同1-3题)
6.I was out with Grandpa for our Chinese lesson.我和爷爷出去上我们的汉语课了.
7.Was it a big city then? Yes,it was.  No, it wasnt.(同1-3题)
8.Where is he? He is in Shenzhen. Where 对地方提问  in+大地方
9.The park was small then. It is big now. 遇到then 用过去式  遇到now 用现在进行时.
Module 7
动词过去式变化规则: 一般情况下加-ed;哑e结尾直加d, 辅y 为i 加ed, 重读闭音节;单辅字母要双写;再加ed.
练习题:is /am---(    )    row----(  )    have---(  )
Phone---(    )  cook---(    )  help---(    )  wash--(    )
Do---(  )  play---(    ) watch---(    )  talk---(    )
Walk--(    )  listen---(    )
1. Yesterday was a holiday. It was a beautiful day. 遇到yesterday 动词用过去式.
2. We rowed a boat on the lake. Row--rowed  on the lake在湖面上
3. We all had a very happy day.  Have--had
4. On Monday Amy phoned Grandma.  On +星期  phone--phoned
5. I cooked noddles yesterday. Cook--cooked  yesterday 过去式标志词
6. I helped Mum and i washed clothes.  Help--helped  wash--washed
7. He didnt help Mum. Didnt加动原
9. I love him. 喜欢某人;him;人称代词用宾格.
10. I talked with Miss Dog yesterday. Talk--talked  talk with和...交谈
11. I walked with Miss Cat yesterday.walk--walked  walk with 和... 一起散步.
12. They listened to music. Listen--listened  listen to music听音乐
13. Grandma cooked fish and cooked noddles. Cook--cooked
14. What did they do last night? Do--did  last night 昨晚过去式标志词
Module 8
1. We had picnic last Sunday. Have--had  last +时间(year month Monday--Sunday)用过去式
2. Was it fun?  Yes, it was.  No, it wasnt.一般疑问句;用什么问用什么答.
3. We went there by bus. Go--went  By+交通工具.
4. And we saw some birds. They song beautifully. See--saw  sing--song
5. We ate some food and drank some drinks. Eat--ate  drink--drank
6. He was thin then .H e is very fat now. Then 用于过去式;故用was;  now 用于现在时;故用is.
