    What My Family Does on the Weekends
    The weekend is the best time of the week! No school, no homework, just two full days to relax and have fun with my family. We always try to make the most of our weekends by doing lots of different activities together.
    On Saturday mornings, my mom usually makes us a big breakfast. She makes things like pancakes, waffles, eggs, sausage, bacon, and fresh fruit. We all sit around the kitchen table together eating and talking about what we want to do that day. Sometimes we make plans and other times we just go with the flow.
    After breakfast, we might go outside if it's nice weather. My dad loves working in the yard,
so he'll often mow the lawn, pull weeds, plant flowers, or trim the bushes. My brother and I like to play outside too. We have a treehouse in the backyard and we spend hours up there reading, playing games, or just hanging out. We also ride our bikes, play catch, jump on the trampoline, or roller blade around the neighborhood.
    If the weather isn't good for being outside, we find indoor activities. Board games and video games are always popular options in our house. We'll play classic games like Monopoly, Life, Clue, and Scrabble. For video games, we have a few different gaming systems so we can play all kinds of games - racing, sports, adventure, you name it. My parents are pretty good gamers too so we all play together as a family.
    Another thing we enjoy doing on weekends is going places as a family. Sometimes we go to museums, parks, the zoo, or other attractions in our city. Other times we take day trips to places that are a couple hours away. We've visited big cities, gone hiking in forests, explored small towns, and checked out all sorts of historical sites and scenic areas around where we live.
    Mom and Dad also build in some downtime for all of us to just relax at home. We'll watch movies while snuggled up on the couch, read books, listen to music, or take naps. My brother and I also spend time on our own pursuing hobbies and interests we each have. He's really into robotics and coding while I love art, dancing, and writing stories.
    In the evenings, we almost always cook a nice family dinner together. We take turns deciding what to make and everyone pitches in with meal prep and cooking tasks. We eat at the dining room table and talk about our days, tell jokes and stories, and just enjoy each other's company over a delicious meal.
    On Sundays, our typical routine is to go to church in the morning. In the afternoon, we often have family over or go visit our relatives like grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. We'll catch up, play games, watch the kids run around, and share a potluck meal with all our favorite dishes. It's a nice way to stay connected to our extended family.
    When Sunday night rolls around, we're always a little sad that the weekend is over. But we know that in just a few days, we'll get to do it all over again! Weekends are wonderful fa
mily time for us. We may not go on huge vacations or do anything really extravagant, but it's the simple traditions and time spent together that makes weekends so special. I feel very lucky to have a family that enjoys being together as much as mine does.
    My Weekends with Family
    Weekends are the best! No school and lots of time to do fun things with my family. We always have a great time together. Let me tell you about what we get up to.
    Saturday mornings start with a lie-in for me. Mom and Dad let me sleep as late as I want because there's no need to get up early for school. Sometimes I wake up really late, like 10am! When I finally drag myself out of bed, I head to the kitchen where Mom has prepared a yummy breakfast for us all. My favorite is when she makes pancakes - I can eat a whole stack smothered in syrup!
    After breakfast, we don't rush to do anything. Dad reads the newspaper while Mom does
some chores around the house. My little sister and I play together or watch cartoons. When lunchtime rolls around, we'll make some sandwiches or have leftovers from the night before.
    In the afternoon, we'll go out and do something fun as a family. Sometimes we go to the park and I'll play on the swings and climbing frame while Mom and Dad watch or kick a ball around with me and my sister. Other times, we go bowling or to the movies. I love when we go bowling because I'm getting pretty good and can beat Mom and Dad sometimes! Going to the movies is exciting too - we get popcorn and snacks and watch whatever new kids' movie is out.
    If the weather is nice, we might pack a picnic and go for a hike in the woods near our house. We always bring snacks and drinks, and I enjoy running along the trails looking for cool bugs and animals. When we find a nice clearing, we'll spread out our blanket and have our picnic lunch. Afterwards, I build forts out of branches while Mom and Dad relax nearby.
