Urban construction should reflect the characteristics of the city, reflect the style and historical culture of the city.Jinan city is a famous historical and cultural city with a long history of five thousand years.Spring culture is the unique culture of Jinan city.Jinan construction should do a good job in protecting the spring.Last September, the repeated spring water spray made every Jinan citizen cheer. The spring water stopped spraying for more than 900 days, and the dry spring eye also has a lot to do with urban construction.In the urban construction by meaning or inadvertently destroyed, caused a great impact on the spring water.With the emergence of a large number of buildings, many springs were buried and silted, making Jinan citizens very sad and anxious.For example, several unknown springs that have been proud of the alleys of the old city suddenly disappeared on June 24,2001. Pearl Spring, which belongs to the same system of water, was also affected, which was mainly caused by illegal construction and pumping at a nearby construction site.Another example, due to improper planning, Baotu Spring Park around the buildings blocked the spring water, resulting in the gushing water level than the normal water level (0.18 meters, 26.8 meters).O
baotu spring是什么意思
n September 11, the three famous springs on the west side of Wulongtan, in addition to being protected, the famous Liquan and Chicheng springs have disappeared, and the original spring pool has been buried by a busy construction site.Yinhu Pool is a very famous spring near Baotu Spring, but in the process of nearby road excavation, the whole spring pool was uprooted.Many famous springs were damaged by landfills and cannot be repaired.
We do not protect the spring water of Jinan, the spring water of Jinan is gone!
