My Hometown Season - Taishan
Q: What is the most distinctive season in your hometown?
A: The most distinctive season in my hometown Taishan is spring. During this season, the weather is warm and pleasant, the flowers are in full bloom, and the scenery is stunning.
Q: What are some traditional activities or events that take place during this season?
A: During spring in Taishan, there are a few traditional activities that take place. One of them is the Spring Festival, which is a time for families to gather and celebrate the new year. Another activity is the Flower Festival, where people come together to appreciate the flowers and enjoy cultural performances.
Q: What are some popular foods or dishes during this season?
A: One popular dish during spring in Taishan is the loquat, a sweet and juicy fruit that is in season during this time. Another popular dish is the spring roll, which is stuffed with a variety of vegetables and meats and then fried to a crispy golden brown.
Q: How do people dress during this season?
A: During spring in Taishan, people usually wear light and comfortable clothing, such as T-shirts, shorts, and skirts. It's also common to see people carrying umbrellas or wearing hats to protect themselves from the sun.
Q: What are some outdoor activities that people enjoy during this season?
A: During spring in Taishan, people enjoy a variety of outdoor activities. Some popular ones include hiking in the mountains, visiting parks and gardens to appreciate the flowers, and having picnics with friends and family.
Q: What makes this season special to you personally?
A: Spring in Taishan is special to me because it's a time when everything comes to life again after the long, cold winter. The weather is perfect for outdoor activities, and the scenery is breathtaking. It's also a time for family and friends to come together and celebrate new beginnings.
