1.In summer, it is ______ in Suqian. (    )
A.cool    B.hot    C.warm
2.I have a football ______ today. (    )
A.basketball    B.match    C.table tennis
3.—How many seasons are there in a year(年)? (    ) 
A.Twelve    B.Seven    C.Four
4.Hi, Bobby. Let’s listen to some English.句中三个斜体单词划线部分发音与众不同的是:(    )
A.Hi    B.listen    C.English
5.I have a _______ lesson today. I can _______ well. (    )
A.skating; skate    B.skating; skating    C.skate; skating
6.My cousin has a _______ lesson today. She can _______ very well. (    )
A.swimming; swim
B.swimming; swimming
C.swim; swimming
7.—_______ your sister in her bedroom? (   )
—Let me see. Yes, _______.
A.Is; he is    B.Are; she isn't    C.Is; she is
8.—_______ crayons would you like? (   )
—_______ fourteen.
A.How many; I'd like    B.How old; I like    C.How much; I'd like
9.—Are you ill? (    )
—No, _______.
A.it isn’t    B.I amn’t    C.I’m not
10.It's nine o'clock in the evening. It's time _________ bed. (    )
A.to    B.in    C.for
11.—Can I have _________ juice? (    )   
—OK, here you are.
A.any    B.some    C.a
12.Ouch! I can't run now. My foot _________. (    )
A.big    B.small    C.hurts
13.—I have a fever. (   )
A.Thank you.    B.Great!    C.I’m sorry to hear that.
14.I have an ______________ lesson every week. (   )
A.swimming    B.dancing    C.English
15.My jeans are too long. Try these ______ on. (    )
A.pair    B.one    C.jeans
16._______ (Those) monkey is very lovely.
17.It's cold in winter. We can go __________ (ski).
18.What ______ (do) your sisters have?
19.The women in red _______ (be) our teachers.
20.—Whose _______ (box) are they?  —They’re _______ (Miss Li).
21.I _______ (have) a PE lesson and he _______ (have) a PE lesson too.
2avid, can you see _______ (they)?
23.My cousin _______ (have) many toy cars.
24.This is _____ (we) new timetable for today.
25.I don't have _____ (some) lessons this Saturday.
26.It's hot and ________ (sun) in Kunming.
27.How many ________ (sheep) can you see on the farm?
28.—Whose umbrella is this?
—It is my ________ (mother).
29.It's cold outside. Look, it is ________ (snow).
30.It’s cool and ______ (rain).
3: M_____ I come in?
B: Yes, come in please.
32.We ________ ________ (去划船) in spring.
33.I have a p_____ with my friends in the park.
34.English and Science aren’t difficult s_______. They’re e_______ for me.
35.—Would you like _________ _________ (一些水)?
—No, thanks.
36.—Can you d_________ the hills over there?
—Yes, I can.
37.—I’m t_________.
—Have some water, please.
38.Mr Green _____ (通常) has aa basketball match on Sunday _____. (下午)
39.Mike: Do you ______ the cat?
Jim: Yes, I do. How ______!
40.I do my _____ at five thirty.
Mr Smith has a nice, brown coat. He loves it a lot. But his wife doesn’t like it because it’s old. She often says, “Give it to a poor man.” But Mr Smith says, “No, I like this coat .”
But one day, a cigarette(香烟) falls on the coat and makes a hole(烧了一个洞) in it. So Mrs Smith says, “Please don’t wear it again.” Mr Smith takes it to a tailor’s(裁缝) shop and says to the tailor, “Please make another coat like this one.” The tailor does what he is told and makes a new coat. Then the tailor makes a hole in it again with his cigarette in the same place.
41、What colour is Mr Smith’s coat? (    )
A.Yellow.    B.Brown.    C.Old.
42、Who doesn’t like the coat at all? (spring是什么意思1    )
A.Mrs Smith.    B.Mr Smith.    C.The tailor.
43、Does Mr Smith give his coat to the poor man when there is a hole in it. (    )
A.Yes, he does.    B.No, he doesn’t.    C.I don’t know.
44、How many holes are there in the new coat? (    )
A.One.    B.Two.    C.No holes.
45、Which of the sentences (句子) is right ? (    )
A.The two holes are in the same place.
B.The tailor can’t make a new coat.
C.The poor man gets the old coat.
John lives in a new house. He likes playing in a river. But there isn’t a river near his house. He is not happy.
One day, he asks his mother, “Is there a river near here?” “No, there isn’t,” his mother says. “But here, our new house has a garden.” “But it’s very small. I don’t like it,” John says.
One morning, his mother says, “There’s a beautiful park near here, and there is a pool in it. We’ll go there in the afternoon.” John is happy.
After lunch, John and his mother go to the park. There is a big pool in the park. The water is clean and there are lots of fish in it. John plays in the pool very happily and his mother watches him under a tree.
