1.用短语的从属连词as soon as来表示…………是最为常见的,并且有时可以换为so soon as,意思一样。
1) They discussed as soon as the class was over. 
2) So soon as there is any talk of homework, his enthusiasm cools down.
1) I hid myself when I saw him coming.
2) I’ll visit her whenever I get the chance. 
3) Once the film is made, all young people will want to see it.
3.用关联连词no sooner…than…hardly/scarcely/barely…
1)No sooner had they got to the plant than they started to work.他们一到工厂就开始工作了。
2) Hardly had I arrived before I had a new problem to cope with我一到达就有新问题需要处理。
3) The clown had scarcely appeared when the spectators roared with laughter.
1)Immediately he arrived, he started telling us what to do.他一到达,就开始告诉我们该做什么。
2) I came directly I got your message. 我一得到你的口信就立刻来了。
3) He made for the door instantly he heard the knock. 他一听到敲门声,就朝门走去。
5. 表示时间的名词短语有时也可以引导时间状语从句。常用的这类名词短语有以下几类:
The moment ( that)he spoke we recognized his voice. 他刚一讲话,我们就听出了他的声音。
I’ll tell him the minute (that) he gets here. 他一到这儿我马上就告诉他。
I sent you the news the instant (that) I heard it. 我一听到这个消息就传达给你了。
2the first time( 第一次) , the last time( 上次) , every time ( 每次) , each time( 每次) , next time( 下次, 再次)
I fell in love with her the first time I met her. 
He looked worried the last time I saw him. 
Every/Each time he phones I always seem to be in bed.
The next time he returned to his hometown, great changes had taken place.他再次回到故乡时, 已发生了巨大的变化。
3) the day( 那天) , the week( 那周) , the month( 那月) , the yea(r 那年)
The day she went to Shanghai, her father came back. 她去上海的那天, 她父亲却回来了。
The year he joined the army, his mother suffered from lung cancer. 参军的那年, 他母亲患了肺癌。
4) the spring/ summer / autumn / winter ( 那年春天 / 夏天 /秋天 / 冬天)
The spring he graduated from university, he went to several Foreign companies to apply for a job.
大学毕业的那年春季, 他去过几家外企公司应聘工作。
Hearing a noise, the little girl turned about.小女孩听到一个噪音, 马上转过身去。
Having cleaned the classroom, we began reading.打扫完教室后。我们就开始读书。
7.某些表示立刻含义的副词跟after连用可以表达…………。这里的after既可以作连词引导从句, 也可以作介词后跟名词或动名词短语。可以这样用的副词有: immediatelyinstantlyshortlysoonspring是什么意思1、right等。例如:
1) We had a meeting to sum up our experiences immediately after finishing the work.
2) Shortly after you left, a man came into the office looking for you.
3) The machine will start instantly after you press the button.你一按电钮机器就会开动。
4) The turtle returns to the sea soon after it has laid its eggs.海龟一产完卵就返回大海。
8.某些at引导的介词短语可用来表达…………”,: at the sight of(一看到…………); at the thought of(一想到…………); at the idea of(一想到…………); at the m ention of(一提到…………); at the sound of(一听到…………); at the outbreak of(一爆发…………); at the first opportunity/chance(一有机会…………); at the first light of dawn(天一亮…………); at the touch (of)(一触……)等。
1) The birds scattered at the sound of the gun.那些鸟一听到响就四处飞散。
2)At the sight of the police officer the thief ran off一看见警官,小偷就逃掉了。
3) I always think of my hometown at the mention of pears.一提到鸭梨,我总是想起我的故乡。
9.些表示短暂性动作的动词,: arrivereturnreachhearseereceiveenterstepgetrecognizeleave,它们相应的名词形式或动名词形式用在uponon之后可
1) Upon /on his return from Japan, Prof Li went directly to his laboratory and started working with his colleagues.
2) Upon /on arriving at the spot, he found that the gypsies had gone.他一到现场,就发现吉普赛人已经走了。
