篇一:高一英语必修1 Unit 3 Travel Journal 课本答案及解析 【高一英语必修1 Unit 3 Travel Journal 课本答案及解析】 答案不重要,学到知识才重要。 【P20】 Ex.1 1. persuade; 2. determined; 3. is fond of; 4. cares about; 5. prefer; 6. organized; 7. fare; 8. cycle Ex.2 1. give in 2. liked; better 3. determined; 4 item; 5. Journey; 6. Journal; 7. shortcoming; 8. made up his mind Ex.3 glacier, valley, waterfall, rapids, plain, delta 【P56】 Ex.1 1. bend (v.); bend(n.) 2. view (n.); view (v.) 3. flows (v.); flow (n.) 4. transport (v.); transport (n.) 5. forecast (v.); forecast (n.) 6. pace (n.); pace (v.) Ex.2 graduated, schedule, attitude, forecast, As usual, insurance, parcels Ex.3 1. It was midnight when he found the cave. 2. On that mountain lies a temple at an altitude of more than 3,000 metres above sea level. 3. The flame of the fire burnt brightly and the kettle began to boil. 4. The shop sells good wool pillows and quilts. 5. Every year thousands of butterflies fly to the spring from everywhere. 6. He looks like a nice and reliable man, but in fact the only thing he cares about is money. 7. The children were building sand castles beneath the blue sky.篇二:高一英语必修一Unit_1_习题__详细答案 I. 单项选择 1. The engine of the ship was out of order and the bad weather _ the helplessness
of the crew at sea. A. added toB. resulted from C. turned outD. made up[学长] A add to是增加的意思,原句想表达的意思应该是: 坏天气使得海上船员们更加感到无助 result from 由...导致,这里坏天气当然不可能是由船员们的无助所导致的,因果倒置 turn out 结果是... 与句子意思不符 make up 编造,虚构 与句子意思不符 2. It is everyones duty to ______ our school a pleasant place to learn in. A. find B. set C. keep D. make D. 因为这里的单词后面要跟名词和形容词只有make有这个用法: make+ 名词+形容词/名词/do sth, 文是“使。。。任何”。这里表示“每个人的责任是使到我们的成为开心学习的地方 3. Since Margot found it difficult to settle in a new place, she felt ___ that the family had to move. A. upsetB. crazy C. happyD. easy 词义 4. You boys and girls, remember to write your composition ______ you are told. A. whatB. thatC. asD. like what 在这里引导的是一个定语从句,修饰composition, 同时what又在这个定语从句中充当宾语 中5. When I came ______ with the teenager hidden in the cave, I was surprised to find him _____covered with dust. A. face-to-face; entirely B. face to face; entire C. in face of; completely D. face to face; entirely face to face 做状语 face- to - face 做定语 (即当作形容词用) a face-to-face meeting一个面对面的会议 They talked to each other face to face 他们面对面地谈话 in face of 面对……,在……面前,不顾…… a.
面临(不顾,公开反对,在...面前) 例句: You should keep calm even in face of danger. 即使面临危险,你也应当保持镇静。 in the face of 在....表面上 作程度副词讲的时候没有区别,如: You re completely wrong= You re entirely wrong. I m completely satisfied with your performance.=I m entirely satified with your performance. 但是compeltely因为是从形容词complete转化来的,它有圆满的意思在内。如:The work has been done completely.工作圆满完成。 The work has been done entirely.工作整个做完了。 6. It was in 1969 ______ two Americans went to the moon by spaceship. A. when B. thatC. at that timeD. just then B 强调句 It is(was)+强调部分+that……。 判断:去掉it is(was)和that 后,依然是完整的句子,所以是强调句。 7. To the parents worry, some middle school students are ______ computer games and completely forget their studies. A. crazy about B. very fond of C. concerned for crazy about ? 珍爱 酷爱音乐 爱才如命 热中于游泳 喜欢我 热衷,着迷;狂热的 D. serious about concerned for对…关心 印度的关注工作中儿童组织 serious about ? 严肃;认真对待 8. The heavy rain made his business _______ a great loss. A. suffer B. suffer fromC. sufferingD. suffering from suffer vi.受痛苦;受损害vt.遭受;忍受 suffer the result /heavy losses /injuries suffer from headache/illness suffer 指一般的损害、痛苦等等,但suff
er from指长期的或习惯性的痛苦或困难。 9. The village is ______what it looked like when they settled their homes there 20 years ago. A. not any longerB. no longer C. no more D. not any more The village is not what it looked like any longer when they settled their homes there 20 years ago.这样是可以的, any longer 一、 no longer与no more的意义区别1. no longer中的longer是副词long的比较级,long有after a certain point of time(在某一时刻以后)之意,着重表示时间的不再延续,意为“如今不再”。no longer等于 any longer。2. no more中的more是many / much的比较级,more有again之意,着重表示数量或程度的减少,意为“再也没有更多(大)的数量(程度)”。no more等于 any more。 二、时态区别 1. no longer / any longer表示不再继续或再现过去某一时刻发生或存在而一直延续的动作 / 状态时,常用于过去时、现在时或将来时的句子中。如: He was no longer a thief. 他不再是小偷了。 When there is no gravity, our feet no longer stay on the ground. 如果没有重力,我们的脚就不能再站稳在地面上。 2. no more / any more表示再也不重复过去反复发生的动作时,常用于过去时或将来时的句子中。如:Now she wasn t afraid any more. 现在她再也不害怕了。 三、位置区别 当修饰动词时,no longer通常置于be或行为动词前;no more一般置于行为动词后。 any longer与 any more常置于句末。如: She co
uld no longer find a way to get into the valley. 她再也不到进山谷的路了。 Time or opportunity lost will return no more. 机不可失,时不再来。 四、修饰动词区别 1. no longer / any longer 习惯用来修饰表示状态的持续动词(如wait, live, work等)。如: Don t wait any longer. 别再等了。 She could not keep up with him any longer.她不能再赶上他了。 2. no more / any more通常用来修饰表示具体动作的瞬间动词(如go, stand, visit等)。如: 五、作用区别 两者都可用来修饰动词,在句中作状语。当no more作“不再(有、存在)”解时,还可作定语和宾语。如:Later when they are far away from the earth and there is no more gravity, they find they are unable to stay in one place. 过后,当他们远离地球,到了不再有地球引力的地方时,他们发现自己不可能停留在一个地方不动。(作定语)I have no more to say. 我没有什么要说的了。(作宾语)综上所述,考例1应选D不选B。考例2应选D。A项中的 any more位置不对,B项中的 any longer位置也不对。且A和C项中的 any more通常不修饰谓语动词work。 10. In order to see better in the dark cave, they made a fire ______ light A. giveB. giving C. to giveD given C, 相当于in order to give light。表示目的: 他们生火来照明篇三:北师大版高一英语必修一课后习题 spring是什么意思1
