1.—How many seasons are there in a year(年)? (    ) 
A.Twelve    B.Seven    C.Four
2.—My jeans _______ too long. (    )
—Try _______, please.
A.are; this    B.are; these    C.is; these
3.We don’t have ________ Chinese lessons ________ Friday afternoon. (    )
A.any; on    B.some; in    C.a; on
4.—________ do you get up every day? (    )
—I get up ________ six o'clock.
A.What’s; at    B.When; at    C.What; on
5.I don't _______ any Art lessons in the morning, but she _______ one. (    )
A.has; has    B.have; have    C.have; has
6.—_______ your sister in her bedroom? (   )
—Let me see. Yes, _______.
A.Is; he is    B.Are; she isn't    C.Is; she is
7._______ watch TV, David. _______ your homework, please. (   )
A.Don't; Do    B.Can't; do    C./; do
8.—_______ subjects do you have this term? (   )
A.What    B.How much    C.How many
9.—_______ is the kite? (   )
—It's _______ the tree.
A.Where; in    B.Who; in    C.What; on
10.—_______ do you have breakfast every day? (   )
—I have breakfast _______ 7:30.
A.Where; on    B.When; at    C.What; in
11._______ is the first season of a year. (   )
A.Spring    B.Sunday    C.Summer
12.—_______ pineapples would you like? (   )
—Three, please.
A.How much    B.How many    C.What
13.The Science book is ________ the bedroom, ________ the chair. (   )
A.on; in    B.in; on    C.at; on
14.Here ______ a lot of beautiful flowers. (    )
A.are    B.am    C.is
15.—What can you see over there? (   )
—I can see a tree and ______ flowers.
A.a    B.some    C.any
16.There are a lot of _______ (apple) on the tree.
17.Here _______ (be) some banana juice.
18.I'm hot. I want _________ (eat) an ice cream.
19.That's __________ (I) timetable.
20.—Those gloves _____ ( be) too big.
—Try these.
21.My shorts _______ (be) too long.
22.—Whose _______ (box) are they?  —They’re _______ (Miss Li).
23.It’s too _______ (cold). Open the window, please.
24.—What’s the matter with _______ (she)?  —She _______ (be) ill.
2an I have ________ (any) cakes?
2re there _______ (some) flowers in the park?
27.Mike ________ (have) a ________ (swim) lesson on Sunday.
28.The red hat is ________ (my).
29.Can you _______ (come) to school tomorrow?
30.—My shorts are too short.
—Try _______ (they).
31.She often runs _______ cold evenings.
A: ______ ______ is it now?
B: ______ four fifty.
A: It’s time to go ______.
B: OK. Let’s go.
33.______ (春天) is warm and we can go ______ (划船).
3: Come and look at my new d_____.
B: How nice!
35.We have a _______ (冰箱) in the living room.
36.In winter, it is _____. We like going s_____.
37.English and Science aren’t difficult s_______. They’re e_______ for me.
38.—Would you like _________ _________ (一些水)?
—No, thanks.
39.Helen likes her new ______ a lot.
40.—What _____ (课) do you have?
—I have _____ and _____.
Charlie joins(加入) his first football team, the Blue Team. He is very happy. One day, Charlie meets his team. The coach(教练) shows the team how to kick(踢) the ball. Then the Blue Team have a practice(练习) game with the Yellow Team. It’s difficult for Charlie to get the ball. When he tries to kick the ball, another player always kicks it away. But Charlie is very good at cheering(喝彩). After one game, the coach has a talk with Charlie. “You’re good at cheering, Charlie. But I think you want to be a football player, not a cheerleader.” Next month(下个月), Charlie’s team will have the last game. Charlie starts to practice every day. It is between the Blue Team and the Orange Team. Charlie runs after the ball up and down. Suddenly he gets the ball and kicks it to his teammate(队友) Tom. Then Tom kicks the ball into the goal(球门). The coach and Charlie’s teammates cheer for him. Now he is a real football player.
41、Charlie is a _________ player in the _________ Team. (    )
A.basketball; Blue    B.football; Blue    C.football; Yellow
42、At first(首先), Charlie is very good at _________. (    )
A.football    B.kicking the ball    C.cheering
43、The last game is between the _________ Team and the _________ Team. (    )
A.Blue; Orange    B.Blue; Yellow    C.Yellow; Orange
44、Tom is Charlie’s _________. (    )
A.coach    B.teammate    C.teacher
45、At last(最后), _________ kicks the ball into the goal. (    )
A.Charlie    B.the coach    C.Tom
There are four seasons in a year. Spring starts first. Summer is the second. Then it's autumn. Winter is the last season in a year. In China, the weather is not the same(相同的) in winter. In Harbin, it's windy and cold. It often snows. People can play in the snow. But in Sanya, it's not cold. It's very warm. The sky is blue. The leaves are green. People there can go swimming in the sea.
