Unit 5 Topic 1
Section A
1.How are you doing?你最近怎么样?
如果最近感觉不错的话就回答:I'm fine/quite well,thanks. (And you?),但是如果最近比较糟糕倒霉的话可以这样说:Not so well/Rather badly.还有如果一般般的话就可以说:Just so so/Not so bad.
2.You look excited.你看起来很兴奋。
这是一个系表结构,即:连系动词(look )+形容词( excited)。常见的连系动词可以分为以下两大类:
My grandma is fine.我奶奶很好。
That cat looks very funny.那只猫看起来很滑稽。
The song sounds good.这首歌听起来不错。
The food smells nice.这食物闻起来香。
I always feel tired these days.这些天我总是感觉累。
Miss Tang seems very angry.唐老师好像非常生气。
Running is a good way to keep healthy.跑步是保持健康的一个好方法。
get(变得),turn(转变),go(变),become(变成) 等。如:
Spring is here; the weather is getting warmer andwarmer.春天来了,天气越来越暖和了。
When she saw the teacher coming into theclassroom,her face turned red at once.当她看见老师正走进教室的时候,她的脸立刻就变红了。
The food goes bad easily in spring.食物在春天很容易变坏。
3.My father and mother want to invite your parents to go to the movies.我父母想邀请你父母去看电影。
(1)invite动词,邀请。invite sb. to somewhere邀请某人做某地;invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人做某事。如:
Miss Liu invited us to have lunch last Sunday.刘老师上个星期天邀请了我们吃午饭。
Tom invites his classmates to America.汤姆邀请他的同学们去美国。
(2)go to the movies=go to a movie去看电影
Kangkang often goes to the movies with his parents on Sundays.
4.It is one of my parents' favorite movies.那是我父母最喜欢的电影之一。
"one of the/形容词性物主代词+形容词的最高级+名词复数”表示“最……的……之一”。此结构作主语时谓语动词用单数。如:
One of the most popular teachers in our school is Mr.Zhou.周老师是我们学校最受欢迎的老师之一。
Jack is one of the tallest boys in our class.杰克是我们班最高的男孩之一。
5.0n my way here, I saw Mr. Brown.在来这儿的路上,我看见了布朗先生。
on my way home·在我回家的路上
on one's way to+地点名词在某人去……的路上,如:
Fangfang knew more about China on her way to Beijing.
6.Please say thanks to your mom for us.请代我们向你母亲表示感谢。
say thanks to sb.向某人表示感谢,类似的短语还有:
say hello to sb.向某人问好
say goodbye to sb向某人道别
say sorry to sb.向某人道歉
say no to sb.拒绝某人
7. He felt disappointed because he was not able to buy a ticket to The Sound of Music.他感到很失望,因为他没能买到《音乐之声》的票。
a ticket to…意为“……的票/券”,to也可改为for。类似的结构还有:
the key to the door/bike门/自行车的钥匙
the answer to the question问题的答案
the way to the supermarket去超市的路
1. How are you doing?你最近怎么样?
2.look. excited看起来激动
3.invite sh, to do sth.邀请某人做某事
< to the movies=go to a movie去看电影
< of-+ the+形容词的最高级+复数名词最……的…之一
7.say thanks to…向……道谢
< my way here在我来这儿的路上
on one's way to sp.在某人去……的路上
9.fee1 disappointed/excited感到失望/兴奋
10.a ticket to/for..,一张··。…的票
11.taste delicious尝起来美味可口
12.Sounds great!听起来好极了!
13.What a pity!真遗憾!
14.be/feel excited about sth.对……感到兴奋
15.be able to能;会
16.at my house在我家
17.plan to do sth.计划做某事
18.sme11 nice闻起来很香
Section B
1.He seems a little unhappy.他好像有点不高兴。
(1) seem-I-adj.如:
That old man seems very tired.那位老人好像很累。(2)seem-I-n.如:
He seems a friendly man.他好像是个友好的人。(3)seem+to do sth.如:
They seem to know each other.他们好像认识彼此。
(4)seem to be-}adj.如:
I seem to be thinner than before.我好像比以前瘦点儿了。
(5) seem }- that从句,通常可以和seem to do sth.转换。如:
It seems that they can do everything.
= They seem to be able to do everything.
2.1t's so exciting.它如此令人兴奋。
"-ed”形容词与“-ing”形容词的区别:"-ed”形容词表示“感到……的”,其主语为人,在句中作表语; -ing”形容词表示“令人……的”,其主语多为事物一类的名同或代词,在句中作表语或定语。如:
(1) exciting令人兴奋的(说明事物);excited感到兴奋的(说明人)
It's an exciting story.这是一个令人激动的故事。
We felt excited to hear it.我们听到它感到兴奋。
( 2 ) interesting有趣的(说明事物);interested感兴趣的(说明人)
They are interested in those books because they areso mterestmg.
( 3 ) boring令人厌烦的(说明事物);bored感到厌倦的(说明人)
I don't like the boring film.我不喜欢那部令人厌烦的电影。
We felt bored to stay at home all day.我们对整天待在家里感到厌烦。
3.He must be excited to get it.他拿到票一定很兴奋。
The photo must be Mary's.Those are her parents.这张照片一定是玛丽的。那些是她的父母。
There must be something wrong一定是出了什么差错。
( 2 ) may/ might/ could这三个词都可以表示说话人对事物的推测,但可能性较小,意思是“有可能,也许”(用于肯定句和否定句)。其中might/could比may较为委婉客气和更加不肯定。如:
-Where is mom now?妈妈现在在哪儿?
-She may/might/could be in the bedroom.她可能在卧室里。
The hair band can't be Jack's. He is a boy.发带不可能是杰克的。他是一个男孩。
--Look!Jack is on the other side of the street.看!杰克在街那边。
-It can't be him. He has gone to Tokyo.不可能是他。他去东京了。
Where can he be?他会在哪里呢?
Can the news be true?这个消息是真的吗?
1.What's the =What's the ?=What's ?……怎么啦?
2.seem a little unhappy好像有点不高兴
< a ticket to…得到一张去……的票
< time下次
5. at all根本不,一点儿也不
6.like:.. best最喜欢…
likesth. a lot非常喜欢……
7.Beijing Opera=Peking Opera京剧
8.so funny and interesting如此滑稽有趣
< a bad cold得了重感冒
10.stay at home待在家里
11.be interested in对……感兴趣
12:give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb.把某物给某人
13.right now=at once立刻,马上
14.feel sorry for sb.对某人感到抱歉/同情
Section C
1.How much does a ticket cost?一张票多少钱?
cost花费,值多少钱,其主语是物,sth. costs sb. Somemoney某物花费某人多少钱。
